- The braking stability of low-speed truck is directly affected by the braking force distribution coefficient, and the main effect factor is the sideslip of rear wheels. 摘要制動(dòng)力分配系數直接影響低速貨車(chē)的制動(dòng)穩定性,后輪側滑是影響制動(dòng)穩定性的主要因素。
- In order to improve braking efficiency and stability, an optimum design method of synchronous adhesion coefficient of motor vehicles equipped with adjustable brake force units has been found by reference to EEC code. 以提高制動(dòng)效能和制動(dòng)穩定性為目標,并參照EEC法規,給出了裝有制動(dòng)力調節裝置的汽車(chē)的同步附著(zhù)系數優(yōu)化設計方法。
- The assignation of ideal braking force, synchronization adhesion coefficient and the utilizing rate of adhesion coefficient are analyzed one by one carefully, during the course of urgency brake. 在緊急制動(dòng)時(shí),輔助制動(dòng)對整車(chē)的理想制動(dòng)力分配、同步附著(zhù)系數和附著(zhù)系數利用率等方面影響進(jìn)行了分析。
- Braking force distribution coefficient 制動(dòng)力分配系數
- In theory a small brake pad will exert as much braking force as a large one of greater surface area. 理論上,一個(gè)小的剎車(chē)器會(huì )產(chǎn)生同擁有更大表面積的大剎車(chē)器同樣的減速效果。
- With the increase of the relative velocity, the variations of side force coefficient and yawing moment coefficient of the overtaken vehicle will increase linearly. 被超車(chē)側向力系數和橫擺力矩系數的變化量隨兩車(chē)相對車(chē)速的增加呈線(xiàn)性增加的趨勢。
- Train braking force is one of the important loads for the design of railway bridges. 列車(chē)制動(dòng)力是作用于鐵路橋梁結構設計的重要荷載之一。
- The desquamating grade of diamond and the holding force coefficient between matrix and diamond were suggested as new concepts. 提出了金剛石的脫落度和胎體材料對金剛石的把持力系數的新概念。
- The real time calculation of tractive force and braking force is the core of the system. 它的核心是能夠實(shí)時(shí)計算得到機車(chē)運行過(guò)程中的牽引力和制動(dòng)力。
- With the increase of relative velocity, the variations of side force coefficient and yawing moment coefficient of overtaken vehicle will increase linearly. 被超車(chē)側向力系數和橫擺力矩系數的變化量隨兩車(chē)相對車(chē)速的增加呈線(xiàn)性增加的趨勢。
- The Brake Controller senses the amount of braking force of the tow vehicle and applied a proportional force to the trailer braking system. 制動(dòng)控制器能通過(guò)感受拖車(chē)制動(dòng)力的大小相應的分配適當的制動(dòng)力到拖車(chē)的制動(dòng)系統。
- Special focus has to be put on the two dangerous cases of undesired braking and on insufficient brake force at one or more wheels. 特別的重點(diǎn)是放在兩個(gè)危險的情況下不受歡迎的制動(dòng)和剎車(chē)力不足,在一個(gè)或多個(gè)車(chē)輪。
- Bridge abutment is the transition structure of the bridge and the sub-grade,through which the train braking force is transferred. 鐵路橋臺是橋梁和路基之間過(guò)渡的結構物,列車(chē)制動(dòng)力通過(guò)橋臺進(jìn)行傳遞,其傳遞的機理和數值大小對橋臺設計意義重大。
- Aiming at wheel scoring flat of China Star type DJJ 2 power car,the electrical braking characteristic and the braking force are analyzed in this paper. 針對“中華之星”號DJJ_2型動(dòng)力車(chē)在試運行過(guò)程中出現的車(chē)輪擦傷現象,借鑒國外運行經(jīng)驗,對其電制動(dòng)特性、電制動(dòng)力進(jìn)行分析,并提出相應改進(jìn)措施。
- The working current of eddy current retarder is proved theoretically as a function of the front wheel braking force of the vehicle. 建立了車(chē)輛制動(dòng)力的調節模型,理論上確定了電渦流緩速器的通電電流是車(chē)輛前輪制動(dòng)器制動(dòng)力的函數。
- System (ABS) with Electronic Brake force Distribution (EBD) and Brake Assist (BA). 系統(ABS)電子剎車(chē)力分配系統(開(kāi)機片)和制動(dòng)輔助系統(BA)的。
- EBD control is a control system which provides a high level of control for both vehicle braking force and vehicle stability. EBD控制是一個(gè)對車(chē)輛制動(dòng)力和制動(dòng)穩定性提供高水平控制的控制系統。
- When the track-width the directions of propelling force and brake force deflect the . 討論計履帶滑動(dòng)及履帶寬時(shí)轉向負荷計算問(wèn)題。
- EBD (Electronic Brake-force Distribution system) control has been added to provide the ideal braking force for the rear wheels. EBD (電子制動(dòng)力分布系統)對后輪加以控制以提供理想的制動(dòng)力。