- CUBA發(fā)展對策研究A Study on Develppment Countermeasures of CUBA
- 影響CUBA發(fā)展的諸因素分析與對策The Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Development of CUBA and Solutions to them
- 普通高校田徑選項課現狀及發(fā)展對策研究Study on the Present Optional Track-and-Field Course in Colleges and Universities and Its Development Strategies
- 論CUBA發(fā)展的優(yōu)勢On the Advantage of CUBA development
- 目前CUBA發(fā)展亟待解決的若干問(wèn)題Problems in the Development of CUBA
- 我國衛生陶瓷發(fā)展對策研究Development of China sanitary ware
- 通過(guò)對CUBA聯(lián)賽六年來(lái)的總結,闡述了推動(dòng)CUBA發(fā)展的有利因素和影響CUBA發(fā)展的不利因素。Through an analysis of CUBA of recent 6 years, this article points out both the advantageous and disadvantageous factors influencing the ,development of it.
- 三峽水庫漁業(yè)現狀及發(fā)展對策研究Research to the Fishery Industry and Development Counter-measure in Three Georges Reservoir
- 影響CUBA模式建設的因素及對策研究Study of Factors Influencing Construction of CUBA Model and Countermeasures
- 武漢市城鄉統籌協(xié)調發(fā)展對策與思考The Countermeasures and Meditations over the Coordinate Development of the Wuhan Urban and Countryside Regions Planned as A Whole
- CUBA東北師大男籃比賽技戰術(shù)分析及其對策研究Study on countermeasure and analysis on skills and tactics in CUBA match of men basketball team of Northeast Normal University
- 河南畜牧業(yè)經(jīng)濟灰色關(guān)聯(lián)分析及發(fā)展對策The grey correlation analysis of Henan animal husbandry economy and the developing countermeasure
- 高等級公路養護管理發(fā)展對策研究Study on the Countermeasures for the Maintenance, Management and Development of the High-level Highway
- 遼寧省糧食生產(chǎn)主要影響因素灰色關(guān)聯(lián)分析及可持續發(fā)展對策研究The Research of Main Influence Factors of Grain Production in Liaoning Province Applying the Grey Related Theory and Its Sustainable Development Strategy
- 適應海島旅游業(yè)發(fā)展的體育休閑旅游專(zhuān)業(yè)人才培養的現狀與對策研究Actuality and Policy For Island Sports Recreation Tourism Major Personnel Talent Traning Which Suit to The Development of The Island Tourism
- 南寧市可持續發(fā)展評價(jià)及調控對策研究The Assessment and Adjust and Control Countermeasure of Sustainable Development of Nanning
- 基層票據市場(chǎng)發(fā)展中的問(wèn)題和對策研究The Difficulties and Measure of Our Bill Market Developing in the County
- CUBA 的產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展與對策研究Study on the Industry Development of CUBA League
- 云南服務(wù)業(yè)發(fā)展循環(huán)經(jīng)濟的對策研究On the Policies for Developing Cyclic Economy of the Services Industry in Yunnnan
- 中國體育經(jīng)濟學(xué)發(fā)展現狀及對策研究Our Country Sports Economic Development Present Situation and Countermeasure Research