- 論CUBA發(fā)展的優(yōu)勢On the Advantage of CUBA development
- 影響CUBA發(fā)展的諸因素分析與對策The Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Development of CUBA and Solutions to them
- 論CUBA的競賽水平On the Contest Level of CUBA
- 通過(guò)對CUBA聯(lián)賽六年來(lái)的總結,闡述了推動(dòng)CUBA發(fā)展的有利因素和影響CUBA發(fā)展的不利因素。Through an analysis of CUBA of recent 6 years, this article points out both the advantageous and disadvantageous factors influencing the ,development of it.
- 略論CUBA與校園體育文化CUBA and Physical Education Culture on Campus
- 確切地說(shuō),黨的優(yōu)勢不僅在于政權中的適當數量,主要在于群眾的擁護。To be more specific,the Party's leading position stems from the appropriate number of its members in the government,and chiefly from the support of the masses.
- CUBA發(fā)展對策研究A Study on Develppment Countermeasures of CUBA
- 論CUBA籃球聯(lián)賽對大學(xué)生素質(zhì)教育的影響On Influence of CUBA on Quality Education of University Students
- 中國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的優(yōu)勢是國內農村市場(chǎng)潛力巨大。One of the greatest assets underlining China's strong growth is its huge market potential in the countryside.
- 論CUBA賽事體現的文化內涵與校園籃球文化建設Study on the Culture Connotation of CUBA Collegiate Basketball League and Campus Basketball Culture Construction
- 工黨候選人擊敗了保守黨人前次多獲4000票的優(yōu)勢而獲勝。The Labor candidate overturned the previous Conservative majority of 4000.
- 目前CUBA發(fā)展亟待解決的若干問(wèn)題Problems in the Development of CUBA
- 強勢粒對弱勢粒物質(zhì)攝取能力的優(yōu)勢,可能是雜交稻籽粒結實(shí)率低下的重要原因之一。It was also observed that the "inter-grain apical dominance" in hybrid rice was stronger than its restorer, which might be one of the main reasons for low seed setting in hybrid rice combination.
- 淺析我國體育產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展的優(yōu)勢與劣勢Elementary Introduction about Advantage and Disadvantage of Our Sports Industry
- 論文藝發(fā)展的因革復變律On Literary Developing Law of Inheritance and Innovation
- 論工會(huì )開(kāi)展思想政治工作的優(yōu)勢On an Advantage of Developing Ideological and Political Work by Trade Unions
- 試論意象派發(fā)展的辯證性On the Dialectical Development of Imagism
- 論地球科學(xué)在素質(zhì)教育中的優(yōu)勢Earth Sciences Having an Advartage in Diathetic Education
- 中國體育產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展的動(dòng)態(tài)競爭優(yōu)勢Dynamic Competitive Advantage of Our Sports Industry Development
- 論文藝發(fā)展的雅俗演化律On the Evolution Law of Refined and Popular Tastes