- 牙科X光片看片燈dental film viewing-box
- 集體小片看片燈mass-radiography film-viewer
- 持牙科X光片用鉗forceps for holding dental x-ray plates
- 牙科醫生把我牙齒的X光片拿給我看。The dentist showed me the X ray of my teeth.
- 片sheet
- 醫用牙科X光機medical dental X-ray unit
- X線(xiàn)看片燈viewing-box; viewingbox
- 牙科X光機dental x-ray unit
- 只有那些死硬派才有本事把這部爛片看完。It was only the die-hards who stayed to see the end of the poor movie.
- 牙醫看片燈dental film viewing-box
- 牙科X光軟片dental X-ray film
- 拼圖拼的怎么樣了?---我卡在天空那部分了。每一片看起來(lái)都一樣。How is the puzzle coming along? ---I'm stuck on the sky. All the pieces look the same.
- 我去醫院照X光片。I'm going to hospital for an X-rays.
- 彩色看片燈color light viewer
- 牙科X光機附座椅dental X-ray with patient seat
- 牙科X線(xiàn)持片器grip for dental x-ray holder
- 讀片燈[醫] negatoscope; viewing box; viewing-box
- 看片箱viewbox
- 牙科X線(xiàn)洗片架hanger for dental treatment, film
- 乳腺X光片mammogram