



  • - (平而薄的東西) a flat, thin piece; slice; flake:

    bits and pieces of glass; 玻璃片兒

    small pieces of cloth; 布片兒

    - (較大地區內劃分的較小地區) part of a place; subdivision of an area:

    divide up the work and assign a part to each individual or group 分片包干

  • - (用刀切成薄片) cut into slices; pare:

    slice meat; 片肉片兒

    flake a fish 片魚片兒

  • - (不全的; 零星的; 簡短的) incomplete; fragmentary; partial; brief:

    a few words; 片言

    a word or two; a few isolated words and phrases 只言片語

  • - (用于成片的東西):

    two sleeping tablets; 兩片兒安眠藥

    a slice of bread; 一片兒面包

    - (用于地面和水面等):

    a tract of meadow; 一片草地

    a stretch of land; 一片土地

    - (用于景色、氣象、聲音、語言、心意等):

    a vast countryside busy bringing in bumper crops; 一片豐收景象

    a scene of great rejoicing; 一片歡騰



  1. 那部影片很叫座。
    That film was a great draw.
  2. 首先,要向杯子里放一小片鋅板。
    You should first put a small piece of zinc plate into the cup.
  3. 窗戶碎成碎片。
    The window broke into pieces.
  4. 這片玻璃似乎是一盞燈的一部分。
    This piece of glass seems to be part of a lamp.
  5. 我吃了兩片烤面包當早餐。
    I had two slices of toast as breakfast.
  6. 還有tablet(片劑),tablet(片劑)通常是扁圓型的。
    And then something like a tablet, a tablet is just round and flat.
  7. 請給我一片面包。
    Give me a slice of bread please.
  8. 我有許多唱片。
    I have many discs.


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