- 治療A的B病cure A of B
- 治療to treat
- 病sickness
- 把A的苦給Binflict A on B; administer A on B
- 位于伊利諾斯州鹿園的貝克斯特康復公司在加州的格林代爾設有分部。這個(gè)分公司是生物技術(shù)方面的又一個(gè)先鋒,于1992年推出第一種治療A型血友病的生物技術(shù)藥。A division of Deerfield, Illinois-based Baxter Healthcare Corp, based in Glendale, California, is another biotech pioneer. It introduced the first biotech drug for hemophilia A in 1992.
- pH敏感性殼聚糖多核星型聚合物的制備及其對輔酶A的控制釋放Preparation of pH Sensitive Multiple Cored Star-shaped Chitosan and Its Controlled Delivery on Coenzyme A
- 視覺(jué)刺激儀、凸透鏡和三棱鏡綜合訓練對兒童近視眼AC/A的影響Effects of combined training with CAMP vision simulating apparatus,convex lens and triple prism on AC/A in adolescent with myopia
- a~b與b~a的大小THE ORDER RELATION ABOUT a~b AND b~a
- a的墨水比b少。A have less ink than B.
- 不穩定型心絞痛患者同型半胱氨酸內皮素及纖維蛋白肽A的變化及意義Homocysteine, endothelin and fibrinopeptide A in patients with unstable angina pectoris
- A的大小是B的3倍。A is three times as large as B.
- 它希望在周末之前收到有關(guān)附件A的建議,以便在本周之內取得具體成果。It expected to obtain recommendations with regard to Annex A by the end of the week, so that they could achieve concrete results that week.
- 我們稱(chēng)-a為a的加性逆元素。We call -a the additive inverse of a.
- 方陣A的行列式Determinant of the square matrix A
- 轉入A的帳戶(hù)to charge the amount to A's account
- 維生素A的別名carenol
- 這個(gè)方程A的n根叫做特征值。The n roots of this equation are called the eigenvalues.
- 數X稱(chēng)為A的殆上界。A number X is called an almost upper bound of A.
- A的鋼筆比B多。A has more pens than B.
- 檢測軟驅A的格式。Detecting floppy drive A media.