- 方陣A的行列式Determinant of the square matrix A
- GGCD和GLCM矩陣的行列式The Determinant of GGCD and GLCM Matrices
- pH敏感性殼聚糖多核星型聚合物的制備及其對輔酶A的控制釋放Preparation of pH Sensitive Multiple Cored Star-shaped Chitosan and Its Controlled Delivery on Coenzyme A
- 技術(shù)的行列式制瓶機計算機控制系統Controlling System of the paratactic Bottle Making Machine Bas ed on LonWorks Technology
- 視覺(jué)刺激儀、凸透鏡和三棱鏡綜合訓練對兒童近視眼AC/A的影響Effects of combined training with CAMP vision simulating apparatus,convex lens and triple prism on AC/A in adolescent with myopia
- 復正定矩陣與復矩陣的和的行列式不等式Inequalities on the Determinant of the Sum of a Complex Positive Definite Matrix and a Complex Matrix
- 不穩定型心絞痛患者同型半胱氨酸內皮素及纖維蛋白肽A的變化及意義Homocysteine, endothelin and fibrinopeptide A in patients with unstable angina pectoris
- N階矩陣的行列式展開(kāi)式中正項個(gè)數與負項個(gè)數之比The Largest Proportion of E-item to Negative Number in an Expansion Equation of N-matrix Determinant
- 如果對稱(chēng)矩陣是為正定者,它的所有子式的行列式也都是正的。If a symmetrical matrix is positive definite, the determinants of all its minors are also positive.
- 它希望在周末之前收到有關(guān)附件A的建議,以便在本周之內取得具體成果。It expected to obtain recommendations with regard to Annex A by the end of the week, so that they could achieve concrete results that week.
- 我們稱(chēng)-a為a的加性逆元素。We call -a the additive inverse of a.
- 把A的苦給Binflict A on B; administer A on B
- 我們應用這些估計的協(xié)方差陣的行列式之商,即一種相對效率比較了這些估計的優(yōu)劣,所得結果對實(shí)際應用具有一定指導意義。We use the quotient of the determinant of the variance-covariance matrix of the feasible unbiased estimates,that is ,a kind of relative efficency to compare these esti-mates. The results have instructive significance for practice.
- 治療A的B病cure A of B
- 轉入A的帳戶(hù)to charge the amount to A's account
- 維生素A的別名carenol
- 這個(gè)方程A的n根叫做特征值。The n roots of this equation are called the eigenvalues.
- 數X稱(chēng)為A的殆上界。A number X is called an almost upper bound of A.
- a~b與b~a的大小THE ORDER RELATION ABOUT a~b AND b~a
- a的墨水比b少。A have less ink than B.