- 地形LODterrain LOD
- LOD地形中點(diǎn)坐標查詢(xún)的研究Way for Querying Point Coordinates in LOD Terrain
- 基于LOD的大規模地形渲染技術(shù)研究Technology of Rendering Large Scale Terrain Based on LOD
- 沿著(zhù)地形犁地contour plowing.
- 基于四叉樹(shù)的LOD技術(shù)在地形渲染中的應用Application of LOD based Quad-tree in Terrain Generation
- 地形不規則topographic irregularity
- LODLOD ( level of detail)
- 地形法morphological change method
- LOD模型LOD model
- 吐魯番奇熱的氣候,奇特的地形,包蘊著(zhù)許多奇異的趣事。Excessive heat and unusual topographical features make the Turpan Basin the locale of many interesting happenings.
- LOD分值lod score
- 地形高度TEM
- LOD評分LOD score
- 基礎地形basic topography
- LOD算法LOD algorithm
- 地形繪制topographic mapping
- 連續LODcontinuous level of detail
- 地形因子topographical factor
- LOD格式LOD scheme
- 河道地形fiver terrain