- However, how to criticize has become a big baffle to ensure the quality of Maintain the Advanced Nature of the CPC Member. “批評難”已成為保證黨員先進(jìn)性教育活動(dòng)質(zhì)量的一大障礙。
- Hua was "an outstanding CPC member, a long-tested and loyal Communist fighter and a proletarian revolutionary who once held important leading posts in the CPC and the government", the statement said. 華國鋒是一名出色的共產(chǎn)黨員、一位久經(jīng)考驗的忠實(shí)共產(chǎn)黨戰士、無(wú)產(chǎn)階級革命家。他還曾擔任共產(chǎn)黨和政府的重要領(lǐng)導人。聲明說(shuō)道。
- On the Advancement of the CPC Members 論共產(chǎn)黨員的先進(jìn)性
- the CPC Members' Vanguard Character 共產(chǎn)黨員先進(jìn)性
- democratic rights of the CPC members 黨員民主權利
- relationship between the CPC members and the masses 黨群關(guān)系
- preserve the CPC members' advance 保持共產(chǎn)黨員先進(jìn)性
- The CPC is deeply rooted in the Chinese nation. 中國共產(chǎn)黨深深扎根于中華民族之中。
- the Campaign of Maintaining the Advanced Nature of the CPC Members 先進(jìn)性教育
- the CPC members' progress 黨員先進(jìn)性
- Speculations about Education of Keeping the CPC Members'Vanguard Character 關(guān)于保持共產(chǎn)黨員先進(jìn)性教育活動(dòng)的若干思考
- the Educational Campaign of Maintaining the Advanced Nature of the CPC Members 黨員先進(jìn)性教育活動(dòng)
- On Self-Image Building of the CPC Members in the Construction of Harmonious Society 論共產(chǎn)黨員在構建和諧社會(huì )中的自身形象建設
- Education Among the Higher Vocational School Teachers to Preserve the Advanced Nature as the CPC Members 從角色特征看高職院校黨員教師的先進(jìn)性教育
- Universities'Harmonious Campus Building-up and the Role of the Advanced the CPC Members Should Play 大學(xué)和諧校園建設與共產(chǎn)黨員先進(jìn)性作用的發(fā)揮
- Excerpt from a talk with leading members of the Central Committee of the CPC. 這是鄧小平同志同幾位中央負責同志的談話(huà)要點(diǎn)。
- In new historical time, in the face of complicated environment and task, the CPC’s institutionalizing must make more effective progress. 在新的歷史時(shí)期,面對復雜的環(huán)境和任務(wù),中國共產(chǎn)黨黨內制度化必須取得更為有效的進(jìn)展。
- Commemoration of the CPC is the traditional political resource. 摘要紀念活動(dòng)是中國共產(chǎn)黨的傳統政治資源。
- The CPC never tolerates corruption or any other negative phenomena. 嚴格執行黨風(fēng)廉政建設責任制。
- Some of the union members did not want to picket. 工會(huì )的一些會(huì )員不想擔任罷工糾察員。