- Thirdly, it greatly stimulates consumer demands for non-commodity items, thus facilitating the development of cultural industries and creating more business opportunities. 第三,它極大地刺激了非商品類(lèi)產(chǎn)品的消費需求,從而促進(jìn)了文化產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展,創(chuàng )造了更多的商業(yè)機會(huì )。
- Firms have to be responsive to consumer demand. 公司必須對顧客的需求作出積極反應。
- That consumer demand is expanding. 消費者的期望在擴展。
- The growth is synchronized with consumer demand. 這些增長(cháng)是與消費需求同步的。
- While expanding demand for investment,we will take effective measures to guide and expand consumer demand so that both investment and consumption stimulate economic growth. 在擴大投資需求的同時(shí),要采取有力措施擴大消費需求,形成投資和消費對經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的雙重拉動(dòng)。
- While expanding demand for investment, we will take effective measures to guide and expand consumer demand so that both investment and consumption stimulate economic growth. 在擴大投資需求的同時(shí),要采取有力措施擴大消費需求,形成投資和消費對經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的雙重拉動(dòng)。
- Locally, the fall in interest rates may stimulate consumer spending and impact positively on the property market. 本地方面,利率下調可能對消費開(kāi)支產(chǎn)生剌激作用,并對物業(yè)市場(chǎng)有正面影響。
- Also, we should not allow consumer demand to expand too rapidly. 還要注意消費不要搞高了,要適度。
- Improved genetics, responding to changing consumer demand. 改進(jìn)生豬品種適應消費者的需求改變。
- The government is worried that this will dent its effort to stimulate consumer spending in rural areas, making it harder to maintain social stability, he says. 政府部門(mén)擔憂(yōu)這會(huì )深刻得影響到農村地區的刺激消費計劃,這使得維持社會(huì )穩定越來(lái)越難。
- The Japanese government has been loath to take measures to stimulate domestic consumer demand and reduce Japan’s export-dependency as the big spending deficit countries have fallen into recession. 日本政府已經(jīng)被迫采取行動(dòng)去刺激國內的消費欲望并減少日本對出口的依賴(lài),因為大型的赤字消費國家已經(jīng)走向衰退。
- But others have put 3G plans on hold waiting for consumer demand to pick up. 也有一些公司則擱置3G開(kāi)發(fā)業(yè)務(wù),將消費者需求到一定火候再采取行動(dòng)。
- First, the expansion of public investment, vigorously promote consumer demand. 第一,擴大政府公共投資,大力促進(jìn)消費需求。
- While trying to temper credit and investment growth, Beijing is also attempting to stimulate consumer spending, since it believes a strong middle class will be a key driver of future growth. 在努力遏制信貸和投資增長(cháng)的同時(shí),中國政府還試圖刺激消費支出,因為它認為,一個(gè)強大的中產(chǎn)階層,將成為未來(lái)經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的關(guān)鍵驅動(dòng)力。
- This is not surprising given the industrial slump and lower consumer demand. 由于工業(yè)蕭條,消費需求減弱,這樣的縮減并不出人意料。
- Is Lack of Consume Demand a Long Trend? 消費需求不足是長(cháng)期趨勢嗎?
- Modern consumers demand to be wooed, not berated. 現代的消費者希望廣告央求他們,而不是斥責他們。
- They enable retailers to ensure timely response to rapidly changing fashions, consumer demands and seasonal trends. 它們要求零售商對快速變化的流行趨勢、顧客要求和季節性變化做出及時(shí)響應。
- It has a great promise to become a prominent method of texturizing vegetable proteins to meet increasing consumer demands for healthy and tasty foods. 為了滿(mǎn)足消費者不斷提高的對健康和美味食品的要求,這項技術(shù)已成為纖維化植物蛋白一個(gè)重要方法。
- Recently, as increased consumer demands for yogurt and cheese had intensified industrialized production requirement for DVI starter. 近年來(lái),隨著(zhù)國內消費者對酸奶和干酪制品需求量的激增,使得直投式發(fā)酵劑的工業(yè)化生產(chǎn)成為亟待解決的難題。