- The District Court tries more serious criminal cases but not murder,manslaughter and rape. 區域法院也審理較嚴重的刑事案件,但不包括謀殺、誤殺及強奸案。
- After both open and secret investigation, we finally made his criminal facts clear. 經(jīng)過(guò)一番明查暗訪(fǎng),我們終于搞清楚了他的犯罪事實(shí)!
- The District Court tries the more serious criminal cases except murder, manslaughter and rape. The maximum term of imprisonment is seven years. 區域法院審理較嚴重的刑事案件,但不包括謀殺、誤殺及強奸案,可判處最高刑期七年。
- The District Court tries more serious criminal cases but not murder, manslaughter and rape. 區域法院也審理較嚴重的刑事案件,但不包括謀殺、誤殺及強奸案。
- The adjudicating objects in public prosecution case include criminal facts and actions, relevant names of crime, and sentenced punishments. 刑事公訴案件的審理對象包括犯罪事實(shí)與行為、觸犯的罪名和應判處的刑罰。
- Spreading rumours that the victim has a serious criminal record, such as accusations of pedophilia. 散布謠言誣蔑受害者有過(guò)情節嚴重的犯罪紀錄,如被指控色情狂等。
- The organ which makes a wrong decision to arrest a person without criminal facts shall be the organ for compensatory obligations. 對沒(méi)有犯罪事實(shí)的人錯誤逮捕的,作出逮捕決定的機關(guān)為賠償義務(wù)機關(guān)。
- The District Court tries the more serious criminal cases except murder,manslaughter and rape. The maximum term of imprisonment is seven years. 區域法院審理較嚴重的刑事案件,但不包括謀殺、誤殺及強奸案,可判處最高刑期七年。
- As the terrorist activities are the type of serious criminal offense, Criminal Law is a must during the legal war against terrorists. 由于恐怖主義活動(dòng)是一種嚴重的刑事犯罪,所以在對恐怖分子進(jìn)行法律戰時(shí),刑法是一部必用的法律。
- The District Court tries the more serious criminal cases except murder, manslaughter and rape. The maximum term of imprisonmt is seven years. 區域法院審理較嚴重的刑事案件,但不包括謀殺、誤殺及強奸案,可判處最高刑期七年。
- China has cracked down on serious criminal offences in accordance with law,and earnestly guaranteed the people's human rights and safety of lives and property. 中國依法打擊嚴重刑事犯罪活動(dòng),切實(shí)保障人民的人權和生命財產(chǎn)安全。
- Council considered whether discretion to waive means test should be extended from "capital offences" to other serious criminal offences punishable by life sentence. 本局考慮了這項豁免經(jīng)濟審查的酌情權應否由“死刑罪行”擴大至可判處終身監禁的其他嚴重刑事罪行。
- In the introduction, considering on the common ideas in the circles and the needs to theoretical development, some fundamental concepts are re-defined: criminal facts is not equal to crime, criminal counter-measures is not equal to penalty. 在緒論中,基于學(xué)界現有的認識和理論發(fā)展的內在需要,筆者對論文中涉及的幾個(gè)基礎概念進(jìn)行了界定:刑事不等于犯罪,也不等于刑罰,而是包含兩個(gè)基本方面:刑事事實(shí)(包含犯罪事實(shí))和刑事對策(包含刑罰對策);
- The organ which makes a wrong decision to detain a person without criminal facts or a person without facts evidencing gross criminal suspicion shall be the organ for compensatory obligations. 對沒(méi)有犯罪事實(shí)或者沒(méi)有事實(shí)證明有犯罪重大嫌疑的人錯誤拘留的,作出拘留決定的機關(guān)為賠償義務(wù)機關(guān)。
- On Oct.11,1984, Su Feng returned with his parents to Zao Zhuang city to criminate himself to the police and confessed all his criminal facts. 一九八四年十月十一月,蘇鋒隨父母回到山東省棗莊市向公安機關(guān)投案,如實(shí)供述了犯罪事實(shí)。
- Procedure of criminal investigation is processes of sequences and steps and procedures which investigator should abide by in the procedure of criminal investigation in order to collect criminal witness and to find out criminal fact. 從法律上講,所謂偵查程序主要是指偵查機構為收集犯罪證據,查明犯罪事實(shí)而進(jìn)行的一系列專(zhuān)門(mén)調查過(guò)程所遵循的順序、步驟以及必須履行法律手續的過(guò)程。
- Patients in TCs may include those with relatively long histories of drug addiction, involvement in serious criminal activities, and seriously impaired social functioning. 在TC里的病人可能包括那些有比較長(cháng)的藥物成癮史,參與過(guò)嚴重犯罪活動(dòng),或對社會(huì )功能造成了嚴重影響的人員。
- Well, for one thing, the police usually don't care about visas. They are too busy looking for serious criminals. 嗯,對呀,警察抓罪犯還忙不過(guò)來(lái)呢,他們才不管簽證呢!移民局的人才是管簽證的。這么說(shuō)來(lái),小陳的話(huà)是有點(diǎn)可疑
- The actions to invade human rights are the most serious criminations,and will get the harshest punish. 對于人權的侵犯是最為嚴重的犯罪行為,將會(huì )遭到最為嚴厲的懲罰。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他們向警方告發(fā)他是罪犯。