- revive a 1930's musical 重新上演20世紀30年代的歌舞喜劇.
- How do you revive a down-at-the-heels urban area? 您如何重振了下來(lái)---清遠市區?
- Can Magic Revive a Dead Language? 以魔法拯救語(yǔ)言?
- Nick Drake 's music has had a large impact on modern folk rock. 音樂(lè )卻產(chǎn)生了很大影響現代民間搖滾。
- Yes, I'll be there and let's enjoy Mai-K's music! "請記得11/23來(lái)看我的演唱會(huì )!讓我們一起享受音樂(lè )!"
- DJs mixed other people’s music. 而dj混合其他人的音樂(lè )。
- He offen enjoy s music on the radio . 他常常欣賞收音機的音樂(lè )。
- A dash of cold water will revive a person who has fainted. 潑灑冷水可使昏厥的人復蘇。
- No 4, Privet Drive has to be a 1930’s house, perhaps with its period "pebble-dashed” walls. 女貞路4號一定是在30年代左右蓋的,它的墻上,可能也有那時(shí)特有的小石子鑲嵌。
- No 4, Privet Drive has to be a 1930's house, perhaps with its period "pebble-dashed" walls. 女貞路4號一定是在30年代左右蓋的,它的墻上,可能也有那時(shí)特有的小石子鑲嵌。
- Thus a few minutes sufficed to revive a reading done days earlier. 這樣一點(diǎn)時(shí)間就足以勾起我對前不久做過(guò)的閱讀的記憶。
- Hot coffee revives a cold tired man. 熱咖啡使那個(gè)人從寒冷和疲勞中恢復過(guò)來(lái)。
- AVRIL's music, video and advertising can be here to share! AVRIL的音樂(lè )、視頻以及廣告都可以在這里分享!
- Salpukas, A."An Oil Outsider Revives a Cartel. "一個(gè)石油業(yè)外行人喚醒一個(gè)卡特爾.
- I many collect maby 60's music but also a little bit of 50's &70's. 為保障出價(jià)者的私隱,當物品的價(jià)格或最高出價(jià)達到或超過(guò)某金額時(shí),會(huì )員帳號就會(huì )以匿名顯示。
- Hot coffee revives a cold tired man . 熱咖啡使那個(gè)人從寒冷和疲勞中恢復過(guò)來(lái)。
- DECLAN's music, video and advertising can be here to share! DECLAN的音樂(lè )、視頻以及廣告都可以在這里分享!
- Plant says this definition, which first appeared in a 1930 ILO Convention Against Forced Labor, is still valid today. 普蘭特表示,這個(gè)定義最早出現在1930年國際勞工組織反強迫勞動(dòng)的公約上,直到現在還是有效的。
- The abundant gas that is funneled toward the center during a merger could revive a dormant black hole. 于合并過(guò)程中注入中心的豐富氣體,也許可以讓蟄伏的黑洞恢復生機。
- Here is only death, hatred, hatred and more hatred in UlulatE's music. 在Ululate的音樂(lè )中只存在死亡、憎恨、憎恨以及更多的憎恨。