- 英語(yǔ)中,不定式往往與"to"字連用。In English an infinitive is often used with the word "to".
- 如果index_name不是已分區索引,則不能指定PARTITION。PARTITION cannot be specified if index_name is not a partitioned index.
- (接“to”)排他性的適用于特定的種類(lèi)、情況或者地點(diǎn)。(followed by'to') applying exclusively to a given category or condition or locality.
- δ-indexδ-指數
- TO試劑TO
- index.datindex.dat
- TO封裝TO packaging
- 若要執行ALTER INDEX,至少需要對表或視圖具有ALTER權限。To execute ALTER INDEX, at a minimum, ALTER permission on the table or view is required.
- To病毒To virus
- Marc_indexMarc_index
- 介詞topreposition "to"
- 如果存在重復的鍵值,則將取消CREATE INDEX語(yǔ)句并返回錯誤。If duplicate key values exist, the CREATE INDEX statement is canceled and an error is returned.
- TO系列管座電鍍工藝Electroplating process for TO series tube socket
- 根據公式的需要,函數INDEX的返回值可以作為引用或是數值。Depending on the formula, the return value of INDEX may be used as a reference or as a value.
- 對...有害(to)Be detrimental to
- FM-index算法FM-index
- (=due to) 由于D/T.
- (=serum index) 血清指數ser.Ind.
- heart disease due to vitamin B1 deficiency維生素B1缺乏性心臟病
- dental index (人)齒指數