- fleeing causes one's death 因逃逸致人死亡
- " Because legislation is indeterminate, on understanding of "fleeing causes one's death", opinions vary. 由于立法的不明確,在理解“因逃逸致人死亡”的問(wèn)題上,眾說(shuō)紛紜,可謂百家爭鳴。
- One shalt be sent to foresee mankind's death! (“有人可以被派去預知人類(lèi)的毀滅嗎?)
- I tried to comfort Jone after her mother' s death. 瓊的母親去逝以后我盡力勸慰她。
- His father' s death stunned him. 他父親的死使他驚愕不已。
- Mount a massive probe of sb.'s death. 廣泛調查某人之死。
- This thought-form also causes one to challenge or confront the truth of another, invalidating another\'s truth. 這一思想形態(tài)也導致另外一些人挑戰或對抗他人的真相,讓他人真相失效。
- We mourn over the child 's death. 我們悲悼這孩子的死。
- On George VI 's death , Elizabeth II succeeded. 喬治六世死后,由伊麗莎白二世承襲了他的王位。
- Who will benefit from the old man''s death? 那位老人死后,誰(shuí)將是受益人?
- The magician foretold the man 's death. 魔法師預言了那個(gè)人的死期。
- His wife’s death nearly finished Thompson too. 老伴一死,湯普森差點(diǎn)兒隨她而去。
- The magician foretold the man 's death . 魔法師預言了那個(gè)人的死期。
- Hamlet revenged his father''s death. 哈姆雷特為他死去的父 親報了仇.
- Dumbledore’s death was planned between them! 鄧布利多的死是他們老早計劃好了的!
- The president's death had unexpected repercussion. 總統的逝世引起出乎意料的反響.
- Whenever particles interact, they can cause one another to flip. 每當粒子交互作用時(shí),可能會(huì )導致對方翻轉。
- Liu Hulan’s death was weightier than Mount Tai. 劉胡蘭的死比泰山還重。
- Polarity as it is in the current human dance often causes one to manifest one dream, and not another. 當極性在當前人類(lèi)之舞中時(shí),通常導致你顯化一個(gè)夢(mèng)想,而不能顯化其他的。
- In polarity, saving the whales only causes one country to cease hunting and another country to begin hunting whales. 在極性中,拯救鯨魚(yú)只會(huì )導致一個(gè)國家禁止捕獵鯨魚(yú)而另一個(gè)國家開(kāi)始捕殺鯨魚(yú)。