- Cardiac output was measured by thermo dilution. 用熱稀釋法測定心輸出量。
- Cardiac output may be influenced by changes of blood gas tensions. 心輸出量可受血氣分壓改變的影響。
- The causes of death werc low cardiac output and severe hypoxemia. 死亡原因低心排、嚴重低氧血癥。
- Maintenance of cardiac output and hemoglobin concentration. 維持心排量和血紅蛋白濃度。
- A resting adult has a cardiac output of about three quarts a minute. 一個(gè)處于睡眠狀態(tài)的成年人的心輸出量大約是每分鐘3夸脫。
- The supported Fowler position improves cardiac output and ventilation and facilitates urinary and bowel elimination. 支撐弗洛氏位(半坐臥位)改善心排血量和通氣作用,促進(jìn)大小便排泄。
- Based on the nonlinear output curve of solar battery panel, it can work at the maximum power point by MPPT(Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm. 針對太陽(yáng)能電池的非線(xiàn)性輸出特性,采取最大功率跟蹤算法使得光伏組件動(dòng)態(tài)的工作在其輸出特性曲線(xiàn)上的最大功率點(diǎn)附近,可以有效的提高光伏組件的發(fā)電量。
- This period of hypotension is usually associated with bradycardia, decreased pulse pressure, and decreased cardiac output. 在血壓降低時(shí)期一般伴有心率減慢,脈壓降低和心輸出量減少。
- The result provides the theoretic basis to improve the symmetry of the output curve of the sensor with Barber-Poles and optimize the performance of the AMR sensor. 通過(guò)對傳感器單元制備工藝的不斷摸索,解決了工藝過(guò)程中磁電阻條腐蝕、Barber圖形光刻與磁電阻單元制備各階段的表面處理等關(guān)鍵的工藝問(wèn)題,提高了單元器件制備的成品率。
- Cardiac output is derived from the velocity waveform and the patient's parameters (age, weight and height). 綜合參考血流速度波形以及病人基本資料(年齡,體重和身高)而得出心輸出量的值。
- The two kidneys with a combined weight of some 300g in man, receive 25% of the cardiac output. 人的兩腎重約300克,而血供量卻為心輸出量的四分之一。
- A normal person has a tremendous reserve capacity in his ability to increase the cardiac output. 正常人有巨大的儲能以增加心輸出量。
- The most common cause of death was low cardiac output, and then was breath failure. 死亡原因最常見(jiàn)是低心排出量,其次為呼吸衰竭。
- Objective: To investigate the intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation(IABP)for the treatment of low cardiac output syndrome after open heart surgery. 目的:探討主動(dòng)脈內球囊反搏(IABP)治療心臟手術(shù)圍術(shù)期低心輸出量綜合征(低心排)的臨床療效。
- The combination of increased SVR and cardiac output augment arterial blood pressure, producing hypertension. 全身血管阻力的增大和心輸出量的增加導致動(dòng)脈血壓增高,從而產(chǎn)生高血壓。
- BCO gives a in time response to the changes in cardiac output,while CCO is relatively slow. 血液動(dòng)力學(xué)的變化不影響CCO的準確性及其與BCO的相關(guān)性。 BCO反映心排血量的變化迅速?
- It is not uncommon to equate arterial blood flow or cardiac output with adequate perfusion. 將動(dòng)脈血流、或心輸出量,與充足的毛細血管灌注混淆起來(lái),是司空見(jiàn)慣的。
- The main complications were pulmonary infection, pulmonary hypertensive crisis and low cardiac output syndrome. 術(shù)后主要并發(fā)癥為肺部感染、肺高壓危象、低心排綜合征。
- AIM: To investigate and develop a new noninvasive measurement method of cardiac output (CO). 目的:探索并建立一種新的無(wú)創(chuàng )傷的心輸出量實(shí)驗檢測系統。
- Venous blood can once more enter the chest and the heart, cardiac output begins to increase. 靜脈血液也能再度進(jìn)入胸腔與心臟,心輸出量又開(kāi)始增加。