- This is capital accumulation on a grand scale. 這是宏大規模的資本積累。
- "Denatured" capital accumulation is one that turns public capital into private capital with every artifice. “變性”資本積累是以各種手段變公有資本為私有資本的資本積累。
- The benefit of capital accumulation is a decisive factor in sustainable economic growth. 摘要資本積累效益是影響經(jīng)濟持續穩定增長(cháng)的重要因素。
- His contributions are in two aspects, that is, work on inflation and unemployment, and work on capital accumulation. 其貢獻主要體現在兩個(gè)方面,即對通貨膨脹與失業(yè)問(wèn)題的研究以及對資本積累的研究。
- The penetration of capital provides the general condition for capital accumulation. 資本的擴張和滲透為資本積累提供了必要的條件。
- This high capital accumulation has allowed us to expand and improve our production base,and lay a foundation for future growth. 資金積存如此豐厚,我們因而得以擴展和強化生產(chǎn)基地,為未來(lái)的發(fā)展奠下穩固的基礎。
- This study sets out to investigate how educational system would affect economic growth by developing an over-lapping generation model with physical and human capital accumulation. 摘要本文使用一個(gè)包含物質(zhì)資本與人力資本積累的世代交疊模型,研究不同的教育體系對經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的影響。
- This high capital accumulation has allowed us to expand and improve our production base, and lay a foundation for future growth. 資金積存如此豐厚,我們因而得以擴展和強化生產(chǎn)基地,為未來(lái)的發(fā)展奠下穩固的基礎。
- From 1978 to 2003, the contribution rates of the substance capital and the human capital accumulation to the economy increasing are 53.01% and 19.92%. 在1978-2003年這26年間福建省物質(zhì)資本存量和人力資本存量對經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的貢獻率分別為53.;01%25和19
- Traditionally, growth theory focused on physical and human capital accumulation, its endogenous growth variant, and technological change. 摘要關(guān)于經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)源泉的探討一直沒(méi)有停止過(guò)。
- This paper develops a theoretical model to analyze how human capital accumulation and R &D investment provide incentives for each other and how they affect economic growth. 摘要在內生增長(cháng)理論中,盧卡斯認為人力資本積累是經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的原動(dòng)力,羅默則認為技術(shù)進(jìn)步是經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的源泉。
- This paper presents an over-lapping generation model to investigate the interaction among human capital accumulation, physical capital accumulation and income distribution. 摘要本文建立了一個(gè)同時(shí)含有物質(zhì)資本、人力資本積累及收入分布演化的內生增長(cháng)模型,來(lái)研究人力資本積累、收入分布演化與經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的相互作用。
- Based on the relation between the benefit of capital accumulation and economic growth, this article puts forward a model and estimates the efficiency in various periods. 通過(guò)對資本積累效益與經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)關(guān)系的理論分析,提出了資本積累效益的測度與檢驗模型,并對我國不同時(shí)期資本積累效益進(jìn)行了測算比較。
- While most of the analysis of this chapter focuses on the effects of physical capital accumulation, output depends on the level of both physical and human capital. 雖然本章的大多數分析集中于實(shí)物資本積累的影響,但產(chǎn)量取決于實(shí)物資本和人力資本的水平。
- By employing the human capital overflow model and the valid labor model, this paper analyses how the human capital accumulation of Qingdao influences economic growth. 摘要以人力資本溢出模型和有效勞動(dòng)模型為基礎,通過(guò)教育年限法分析了青島市人力資本積累與外溢對經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的影響。
- This crisis, not in growth but in capital accumulation, is further complicated by a different phenomenon, the loss of legitimation of the state structures. 這種危機不是成長(cháng)危機,而是資本積累的危機,由于另一種不同現象而更加復雜,亦即國家結構的喪失正當性。
- Sprouting in the middle-and-late Ming dynasty, the pawnbroking reached its peak in the Kangqian era, based on the capital accumulation and the support of the Qing government. 清代康乾時(shí)期,徽州典當業(yè)在商業(yè)經(jīng)濟的資本積累和政府的支持下逐漸發(fā)展至頂峰。
- This forecast was based on realistic assumptions about the likely slowdown in capital accumulation and productivity growth as well as on demographic forecasts. 這個(gè)預測報告基于有關(guān)資本積累和生產(chǎn)力增長(cháng)可能減速的合理假定及人口統計學(xué)預測。
- This article comes up with a dualistic economic growth model in the relations of agricultural technology progress and labor emigration and capital accumulation is analyzed. 摘要產(chǎn)值與就業(yè)結構的調整究竟是經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)的結果還是原因?
- In order to realize the strategy of giving priority to heavy industry, the two problems China must resolve were capital accumulation and labor allocation. 實(shí)現重工業(yè)優(yōu)先的戰略,在中國需要解決的主要問(wèn)題,一是資金積累,二是勞動(dòng)力安置。