- A simple analytical system for measuring mass of exhaust gas of motor vehicles under working condition. 一種簡(jiǎn)易工況法機動(dòng)車(chē)排放質(zhì)量分析系統。
- The fifth chapter mainly elaborates that in the system methodology database, the system of development and optimization has well manifest integrity of database development. 第五章主要闡述在基于系統方法論的數據庫系統的開(kāi)發(fā)和優(yōu)化,更好的體現了數據庫開(kāi)發(fā)的完整性。
- The hardware and software of the generlaized firewall log analytical system is offered by the Beijing IDN Network Technique Compancy. 通用防火墻日志分析系統所涉及的軟件、硬件均由北京愛(ài)迪安網(wǎng)絡(luò )技術(shù)有限公司提供。
- The practical operation justifies the analytical system, which effectively evade the financial risks of the spot transactions in the generation power market. 該系統已應用于浙江省發(fā)電市場(chǎng),運行結果表明,應用該系統可有效規避發(fā)電市場(chǎng)現貨交易的風(fēng)險。
- Three-dimensional cinematography and sport video analytical system were applied to study the shot put technique in view of body outputting mechanical energy. 應用三維攝影和三維運動(dòng)錄像分析系統,從人體對外輸出機械能角度對擲鉛球技術(shù)進(jìn)行了研究。
- WSR system methodology was demonstrated with an example of glasses design.This not only offers a new way to think of product design, but expands the application range of WSR systematic methodology. 本文基于眼鏡設計,粗略地將WSR系統方法論應用于產(chǎn)品設計,為產(chǎn)品設計提供一個(gè)全新視角,并拓展WSR系統方法論的應用范圍。
- Glasses Design Based on WSR System Methodology 構建于WSR系統方法論之上的眼鏡設計
- The Six Sigma quality is perfect. The Six Sigma Way is a systemic methodology that helps the enterprise improve quality, add up customer satisfaction and make continuous progress. 六西格瑪質(zhì)量代表了近乎完美的質(zhì)量,六西格瑪質(zhì)量管理法是企業(yè)持續改進(jìn)質(zhì)量、增加顧客滿(mǎn)意度并獲得持續發(fā)展與成功的系統方法。
- The appearance of such new kind of chemometrics method will result in profound changes upon the qualita-tive and quantitative analysis of the complex unknown analytical systems. 這些新化學(xué)計量學(xué)方法的涌現,對復雜的未知分析體系的定性定量分析,將帶來(lái)深刻的變化。
- Analytical system with micro-fluidic chip 微流控芯片分析系統
- Environmental Data Analytical System 環(huán)境數據分析系統
- With recent progress in crop growth simulation models and the application of systems methodology, multidisciplinary and integrated BMPs for major crops in Canada are being developed. 隨著(zhù)作物生長(cháng)模型的建立和系統方法的應用,多學(xué)科的綜合的最佳管理措施正在加拿大主要農作物上進(jìn)行試驗。
- the blood viscosity analytical system 血黏度分析儀
- This, in view of the characteristics of the problem, with Soft Systems Methodology thinking, put forward that SSM can be applied in solving such problems and analysis its necessity and feasibility. 由此,針對出現問(wèn)題的特點(diǎn),結合軟系統方法論思想,提出在解決此類(lèi)問(wèn)題時(shí)可應用SSM,并對其必要性和可行性進(jìn)行了分析。
- It reveals that consciousness and initiative to extent systemic methodology and natural dialectic thought in medical study .It will provid an new ways to enact and optimize the treatment plan. 揭示在醫學(xué)科學(xué)研究中自覺(jué),主動(dòng)運用辯證法思維方法和系統科學(xué)方法,可以拓展研究的新思路,為糖尿病的治療提供更好方案。
- AA3 continuous flow analytical system AA3型連續流動(dòng)分析儀
- A revive with 15 references is presented on the determination of alkaloid of poppy shell in soup materials in chafing dish.Recent advances in analytical systems are discussed in detail. 本文對檢測火鍋湯料中罌粟殼中生物堿方法作了概述,并著(zhù)重介紹了近年來(lái)一些分析體系的改進(jìn)和發(fā)展,同時(shí)指出了當前存在的問(wèn)題。
- Abstract A freezing analytic system for extracting tissue free water tritium (TFWT) in biological sample was designed and processed. 摘要 為評價(jià)核設施退役中氚對環(huán)境的影響,可監測退役前后植物中氚的活度變化來(lái)反映。
- Personnel Requirements Information System Methodology 人事需求信息系統分類(lèi)法
- The features hidden in hyphenated two-way data are then brought specially into focus in orderto investigate adaptability of the available chemometric methods for black analytical systems. 在此基礎上,對直觀(guān)推導式漸進(jìn)特征投影法的主要思路進(jìn)行了較詳盡剖析。