- Zhou Tao' s essays 周濤散文
- Hello. May I introduce myself to you? I'm Zhou Tao. 你好,首先自我介紹一下,我是周濤。
- Fourth, further discusses the positive and negative effects of Japannish sentiment on Zhou"s essays. 最后,進(jìn)一步論述日本情趣對周氏散文的正負面影響。
- Chapter two: Zhang Yong"s essays . 第二章:張詠的散文創(chuàng )作。
- To choose a more effective researching method and perspective is very important to the analyzing and researching work of the Japannish sentiment and interest displayed in Zhou"s essays. 本文著(zhù)重從接受主體和創(chuàng )作主體的視角來(lái)透視周作人散文世界中的日本情趣。
- Bacon’s essays are famous for their brevity, compactness and powerfulness. 培根的散文以簡(jiǎn)潔,緊湊,有力度而著(zhù)名。
- Jiang Pin-Qun,Wang Bing-Hong,Zhou Tao,et al.Networks Emerging from the Competition of Pullulation and Decrepitude[J].CHIN.PHYS.LETT,2005,22(2):1285. 肖凌寒;楊建梅.;廣東軟件產(chǎn)業(yè)競爭關(guān)系網(wǎng)絡(luò )建摸與宏觀(guān)性質(zhì)衍變研究[D]
- Huang Maohuan, Zhou Tao, Jing Xiaoping et al. Glaciological studies in Tunnel 2 of Glacier No.1 At the headwaters of the Urumqi River.Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology. 黃茂桓,周韜,井曉平等。烏魯木齊河源1號冰川2號冰洞的冰川學(xué)研究。
- Woolf’s essays display their unique characteristics of novelization, including visualization, narrativity and stream of consciousness. 伍爾夫的散文中有獨特的小說(shuō)化因素:形象化、敘事性、意識流技巧。
- Zeng Gong"s essays about kiosk, dais, building and pavilion not only reflect his literature theory, but also prove his nobleness. 曾鞏的亭臺樓閣散文創(chuàng )作實(shí)踐不僅與他的經(jīng)世觀(guān)、文道觀(guān)、創(chuàng )作觀(guān)緊密聯(lián)系,而且是曾鞏高潔品性的見(jiàn)證。
- I am at friendship hotel. My name is Wang Tao. 我在友誼賓館,我是王濤。
- Washington ordered Paine’s essay read to his troops before they crossed the Delaware to defeat the Hessians at the Battle of Trenton. 華盛頓下令他的軍隊閱讀潘恩的散文,然后這支軍隊就越過(guò)達拉維爾,在特蘭頓戰役中擊敗了和遜人。
- Zhou Tao' s prose 周濤散文
- I asked Xiao Zhou to get in touch with them. 我讓小周去和他們取得聯(lián)系。
- Persistent watch over the belief world of modern life and repeated examination and deconstruction of the nothingness of the life are the deep-seated meaning of Lu Xun s essay. 對現代生命信仰境界的持續冀望,對生存虛無(wú)的反復透視、解構,是魯迅雜文著(zhù)力建構的深度意義體系。
- Premier Zhou is a distinguished politician. 周總理是一位卓越的政治家。
- Author Li Shiqun Hu Jiashan Wang Qi Liu Biao Zhou Tao (Dept.of Mater.sci.& Engin.;Jinan University;Jinan 250022); 作者李仕群;胡佳山;王琦;劉飚;周韜;
- Author Yang Jingming Dou Fuping Zhou Tao Wang Jianshun(Institute of Electrical Engineering;Yanshan University); 作者楊景明;竇富萍;周濤;王健順;
- The Imageries of "Roads" and Philosophy of "Going Ahead" in Lu Xun's Essays 魯迅雜文中“路”的意象和“走”的人生哲學(xué)
- 36.Bacon’s essays are famous for their brevity, compactness and powerfulness. 培根的散文以簡(jiǎn)潔,緊湊,有力度而著(zhù)名。