- XML路由算法XML routing arithmetic
- XML路由XML routing
- XML路由模型XML routing model
- XML路由網(wǎng)絡(luò )XML routing network
- 這種新穎的路由算法確保虛擬網(wǎng)絡(luò )能有效穿越私網(wǎng)環(huán)境。The novel routing algorithm ensures that the packets of VPN can pass thro ugh the private network.
- 一種基于地理位置信息的無(wú)線(xiàn)傳感器網(wǎng)最小能耗路由算法A Minimum Energy Consumption Routing Algorithm Based on Geographical Location Information for Wireless Sensor Networks
- 一種基于蟻群優(yōu)化的多媒體傳感器網(wǎng)絡(luò )服務(wù)感知路由算法An Ant-Colony Optimization Based Service Aware Routing Algorithm for Multimedia Sensor Networks
- 基于可用帶寬滿(mǎn)足時(shí)延和時(shí)延差別約束的實(shí)時(shí)多播路由算法Real-time Multicast Routing Algorithms Based on Available Bandwidth and Bounds of Delay and Delay Variation
- DLR路由算法DLR routing algorithm
- 源路由算法source-route algorithm
- OE路由算法OE routing algorithm
- QoS路由算法QoS Routing algorithm
- 樹(shù)路由算法tree routing algorithm
- QoS層次多播路由算法用來(lái)構造滿(mǎn)足QoS要求的域間多播樹(shù)。QoS-aware hierarchical multicast routing algorithms are used to construct a multicast tree satisfying QoS requirements among network domains.
- 代理路由算法Surrogate routing algorithm
- 廣播路由算法broadcast routing protoco
- 約束路由算法constraint routing algorithm
- 偏射路由算法deflection routing algorithm
- 節能路由算法energy efficient routing algorithm
- 容錯路由算法fault tolerant routing algorithm