- XML文檔發(fā)布XML documents publishing
- 文檔(computer) file
- 發(fā)布to release
- 本節描述文檔發(fā)布時(shí)的狀態(tài)。This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication.
- 不需要下載任何東西--你的瀏覽器就能滿(mǎn)足你的所有需要;協(xié)作時(shí)只需要輸入別人的e-mail地址;將文檔發(fā)布為網(wǎng)頁(yè)或者博客只需要單擊一下。Nothing to download -- your browser is all you need. Collaborate just by entering people's e-mail addresses. Publish on the web or post to your blog with a click.
- 你已經(jīng)學(xué)會(huì )如何使用XPath語(yǔ)句對XML文檔中元素和屬性進(jìn)行定位。You have learned how to use XPath to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML document.
- 發(fā)布者promulgator
- XML文檔XML document
- XPS(XML Paper Specification)格式將是Microsoft Windows Vista中用于電子文檔發(fā)布的首選格式,是繼PDF文件格式之后的一種新的輸出文件類(lèi)型。More and more electronic document will be stored in XML Paper Specification (XPS) format. Customers are going to find an easy way to verify page layout of XPS document as they did in Portable Document Format (PDF).
- XML文檔集XML document collection
- XML文檔樹(shù)XML document tree
- 在一個(gè)列中,用戶(hù)可以存儲與不同模式對應的不同XML文檔。Users can elect to store different XML documents that correspond to different registered schemas within a single column.
- XML文檔聚類(lèi)XML document clustering
- XML文檔更新XML document update
- XML文檔存儲XML documents storage
- 大型XML文檔large XML document
- 并行XML文檔parallel XML databases
- XML文檔結構樹(shù)XML document structural tree
- 不完全XML文檔樹(shù)incomplete XML document tree
- XML文檔分解技術(shù)及文檔存取模型XML Document Structure Analysis and XML Access Model