- Keywords Cerebral palay;Perinatology;Women s Health Services;child Health Services.; 腦癱;圍產(chǎn)期學(xué);婦女衛生保健服務(wù);兒童保健服務(wù);
- Women ' s health services 婦女衛生保健服務(wù)
- Compulsive drinking is bad for one' s health. 不加節制的飲酒有害健康。
- The fund is earmarked for public health services. 這筆錢(qián)是專(zhuān)為保健事業(yè)用的。
- This fund is earmarked for public health services. 這筆錢(qián)是專(zhuān)為保健事業(yè)用的。
- Comprehensive preventive health services are available for women aged 45 to 64 at three women health centres. 衛生署亦設有三間婦女健康中心,為年齡介乎45與64歲之間的女性提供預防疾病的綜合健康服務(wù)。
- Her grandpa' s health is improving little by little. 她爺爺的健康狀況在漸漸變好。
- Finance for the National Health Service comes from taxpayers. 國家衛生局的資金來(lái)自納稅人的稅款。
- Bad habits of daily life may endanger a person'' s health. 一些不良的生活習慣會(huì )威脅人的身體健康.
- Women have made outstanding contributions to the nation's medical and health services. 在醫療衛生事業(yè)中,中國婦女做出了突出貢獻。
- The physical and mental health of the female in perimenopausal period are two quite important subjects in women s health care. 婦女圍絕經(jīng)期的身心健康一直是婦女保健的重要任務(wù)。
- YID has conducted the women,s health training project for more than one year in Shalatuo, but a big amount of work is necessary to continue. YID已在婦女生殖系統健康方面在此進(jìn)行了一年多的培訓工作,但后續的工作還是有非常大的必要性的。
- Oral Health Services in P.R. China as Evaluted by Dentists. 牙科醫生對口腔衛生服務(wù)體系的評價(jià)。
- A reasonable health care system should focus on people s health, and finance and deliver health care services equitably and efficiently. 一個(gè)合理的醫療衛生體系應該是以人民健康為中心,在醫療衛生服務(wù)的提供與保障上兼顧公平與效率為原則的。
- Gerontology with Concentration in Health Services Management M.S. 老人醫學(xué)專(zhuān)注于醫療服務(wù)管理。
- Objective: To know the utilizations of essential reproductive health services of rural women in poor areas of Guizhou. 摘要目的:了解貴州省貧困地區農村婦女對基本生育健康服務(wù)的利用狀況。
- Methods:Analyze three times national health services survey data. 方法:利用三次國家衛生服務(wù)調查資料進(jìn)行分析。
- Family violence, which violates women"s person right, threatens women"s health and security, harms the family and society seriously, is worth being cared about in the world. 家庭暴力侵害了婦女的人身權,威脅婦女的健康和生命安全,對家庭和社會(huì )造成了嚴重的危害,它已成為一個(gè)值得認真關(guān)注的全球性問(wèn)題。
- METHODS Using data from The Third National Health Services Survey to compute SRB and it?s confidence interval. 方法利用第3次國家衛生服務(wù)調查的資料,計算不同人口社會(huì )學(xué)特征人群的出生性別比及其95%25可信區間。
- If your pet eats the loofah texture, it has no harm on your pet’s health. 純天然的植物纖維,不會(huì )因寵物在啃咬過(guò)程中吞食而造成消化不良。