- Web頁(yè)面推薦算法Web page recommend algorithm
- 基于多示例學(xué)習的中文Web目錄頁(yè)面推薦Chinese Web Index Page Recommendation Based on Multi-Instance Learning
- Web頁(yè)面檢測算法Web page detection algorithm
- 本文的創(chuàng )新之處:嘗試設計了一個(gè)基于Web日志挖掘的智能Web站點(diǎn)系統模型和其中的預測推薦算法。The innovation of this dissertation is: It attempts to design a intelligent Web site system model based on Web Usage Mining and the algorithm of pre-judging and recommending.
- 基于Web頁(yè)面鏈接結構的挖掘算法The mining algorithm based on the hyperlinks between Web texts
- 實(shí)驗表明,這種方法的優(yōu)點(diǎn)是低內存需求,具有較小的平均絕對偏差值,并且顯示出了比傳統推薦算法更好的推薦質(zhì)量。Experimental results show that this method is of low memory requirements and lower mean absolute error (MAE) value, and provides better recommendation quality compared with traditional collaborative filtering algorithms.
- WEB頁(yè)面分析WEB analytics
- 推薦總統候選人groom a presidential candidate
- Web服務(wù)器Web server
- 我想向您推薦這一方法。I should like to commend this method to you.
- Web頁(yè)面設計Web page design
- K-P算法K-P calculation
- 我愿意將它推薦給你用作參考書(shū)。I should like to commend it to you as a reference book.
- KKR算法KKR calculation
- 報表頁(yè)面report page
- "分裂和合并" 算法split-and-merge algorithm
- 你能推薦一些有關(guān)這個(gè)學(xué)科的新書(shū)給我嗎?Can you recommend me some new books on this subject?
- 報表頁(yè)面數page number of report
- 按序算法sequential algorithm
- 保持頁(yè)面隊列hold page queue