- W/TiN金屬柵W/TiN metal gate
- 高k/金屬柵材料High k/Metal Gate Material
- 金屬柵/高k柵介質(zhì)metal gate/high k dielectrics
- 金屬柵網(wǎng)的遠紅外光學(xué)特性Far Infrared Properties of Metallic Grid
- 柵fence
- 柵格grid
- 免疫介導性TINImmunologic mediated T.I.N.
- 納米技術(shù)發(fā)展過(guò)程中采用雙功函數金屬柵Dual work function metal gate
- TiN顆粒TiN particles
- TiN滲鍍層TiN coating
- TiN/AlNTiN/AlN
- 他們把廢金屬熔化掉。They melted down metal scrap.
- TiN陶瓷涂層TiN cermets coating
- 這種合金是用兩種金屬熔合而成的。This alloy is formed by the fusion of two types of metal.
- 安全柵guard grating
- TiN涂層刀具TiN coat cutter
- 金和銀是容易加工的金屬。Gold and silver are tractable metals.
- 單向約束TINUnilateralism TIN
- 油保護金屬免于生銹。Oil preserves metal from rust.
- 柵板grid plate