- Vitali收斂定理Vitali convergence theorem
- 漸近非擴展映象的具誤差的Ishikawa迭代序列的新強收斂定理Some New Strong Convergence Theorems for Ishikawa Iterative Sequences With Errors for Asymptotically Nonexpansive Mappings
- 對有界測度的Vitali-Hahn-Saks-Graves-Ruess型定理A Vitali-Hahn-Saks-Graves-Ruess type theorem for bounded measures
- 函數項級數一致收斂定理的證明和廣義積分收斂的充要條件Proof of the Function Seies Convergence Uniform Theorem and Necessary and Sufficient Condition in General Integral Convergent
- 關(guān)于一類(lèi)隨機變量序列的局部收斂定理A class of local convergence theorems for the sequence of random variables
- 鞅收斂定理martingale convergence theorem
- 上鞅收斂定理super-mar tingales convergence theorem
- 幾何定理是從經(jīng)驗得出的。Geometrical theorems grew out of empirical methods.
- H收斂H convergence
- p收斂p-convergence
- T1定理T1 theorem
- 按步收斂stepwise convergence
- Tb定理Tb theorem
- 阿貝爾收斂檢驗Abel's test for convergence
- 供求定理The law of demand and supply
- 半局部收斂semilocal convergence
- 圖蘭定理Turan's theorem
- p次平均收斂mean convergence of order p
- Tutte定理Tutte theorem
- 半收斂semiconvergent