- Viola-Seaborg公式Viola-Seaborg formula
- 本文對南京地區產(chǎn)堇菜屬Viola 6種植物根和根莖進(jìn)行了顯微結構研究 ,找出區別 6種植物的特征 ,并列出檢索表 ,為該屬植物的鑒定和開(kāi)發(fā)提供科學(xué)依據。Microscopical identification of 6 species of plants from Viola in Nanjing was made, and the distinguished microscopical characteristics of them were found The key was also listed on, which can provide scientific data for identification and exploitation of Viola plants
- 經(jīng)鑒定四川省25個(gè)市縣的紫花地丁藥材,來(lái)源計有4科9種植物,其中堇菜屬Viola植物6種,且紫花地丁、長(cháng)萼堇菜、戟葉堇菜、紫花堇菜等4種在藥材中占85%左右;By identifying, Herba Violae from 25 cities and counties of Sichuan Province originate from-9 species of 4 families, 6 species of them from genus Viola, and Viola yedoensis, V. inconspicua , V. betonicifolia and V. grypoceras possess about 85%25 of the medicinal materials;
- 疊代公式iterative formula
- 在Viola-Jones的檢測方法中,使用了類(lèi)Haar特征描述人臉模式的灰度差規則,用AdaBoost算法從中學(xué)習最能區分人臉/非人臉模式的規則,構成級聯(lián)分類(lèi)器用于檢測人臉。In the face detection method of Viola-Jones. they use haar-like feather to describe the gradation difference rule of face pattern, therefrom learned the rule that can differentiate face / none-face pattern the most with AdaBoost algorithm. forming an cascades classifier for face detection.
- TEAM2公式TEAM 2 formula
- 泰斯公式Theis equation
- 克萊因仁科公式klein nishina formula
- 泰勒公式法Taylor equation
- 公式的真度The Truth Degree of Formula
- α[I]-真公式α[I]-truth formula
- 從海倫公式談起Discussion About Starting from the Heron Formula
- EOQ公式的推廣。Extensions for EOQ formula.
- 范寧梅尼茲公式Vening-Meinesz formula
- Tanaka-Meyer公式Tanaka-Meyer formula
- 擬卷積公式及其應用On Vandermonde's Convolution Formula and Its Application
- 關(guān)于命題公式的主范式On The Principal Norm Forms of Proposition Formulae
- 基于二元域研究命題公式Discuss Prepositional Formula Based on Binary Field
- 命題公式可滿(mǎn)足性驗證Type analysis