- VOx分子VOx molecule
- 負載型MoOx/VOx催化劑上二甲醚選擇氧化制甲醛反應的研究Selective Oxidation of Dimethyl Ether to Formaldehyde over Al_2O_3 Supported VOx/MoOx Catalysts
- 政府軍已經(jīng)擊敗了叛亂分子。Government troops have vanquished the rebels.
- 這顆炸彈是右翼極端分子放置的。The bomb was planted by right-wing extremists.
- 一群左翼分子接管了領(lǐng)事館。A band of leftists took over the consulate.
- 政府決不與恐怖分子談判。The government will not negotiate with the terrorists.
- 他們的注意力集中在那個(gè)可疑分子身上。They zeroed in on the suspicious man.
- 分子由原子組成。A molecule is made up of atoms.
- 他曾是政治上的激進(jìn)分子。He was a political radical.
- 政府計劃鎮壓叛亂分子。The government planned the subjection of the rebels.
- 反叛分子武裝自己對抗政府。The rebels armed themselves against the government.
- 恐怖分子在一家商店引爆了一枚炸彈。The terrorists exploded a bomb in a store.
- 分子間的引力attractive forces between molecules
- 他是黨內反對極端主義的中堅分子.He was a buttress against extremism in the party.
- 恐怖分子以殺死三名警察相報復。The terrorists retaliated by killing three policemen.
- 保守分子反對變革。The conservatives are opposed to any change.
- 最近一次恐怖分子攻擊后,街道上武裝警衛遍布。The streets bristled with armed guards after the latest terrorist attack.
- 異教徒的神殿被一群宗教狂熱分子拆除了。The heathen temple was torn down by a crowd of religions fanatics.
- 極端保守分子被清洗出那個(gè)政治組織。Extreme conservatives were purged from the political organization.
- 激進(jìn)分子清洗了黨內的溫和派分子。The activist have purge the party of moderates or have purge the moderates from the party.