- U形壓力計U-gauge
- 多管U形壓力計multiple gage U
- u 形壓力計u shaped manometer
- 彈簧鐘形壓力計spring-balanced bell ga(u)ge
- 杠桿平衡式鐘形壓力計balanced lever-type bell gauge
- U形河曲內的土地在有這樣的彎管的河里的地The land within such a bend of a river.
- U形U-shaped
- 基于非協(xié)調強化假定應變單元的U形薄殼渡槽槽身受力分析Analysis of the Stress for U-Shaped Thin Shell Aqueduct Based on Strain Unit of Non-Harmonious Strengthening Supposition
- U形急轉彎a hairpin turn
- 保安鏈U形夾check chain clevis
- 管子已被彎成了U形。The pipe had been turned in a U-shaped curve.
- 單U形坡口single-U groove
- U形梁U-shaped beam
- U形棚U - metal - bracket
- U形環(huán)U-loop
- u形谷u shaped valley
- u形管u pipe
- U形臂U-arm
- U形的hyal
- U形桿U-bar