- CrN涂層CrN coating
- TiN/CrN涂層TiN/CrN coating
- 涂層coat
- 沉積條件對Ti/TiN,CrN/SiN_x納米多層膜微觀(guān)結構、界面結構和硬度的影響及其熱穩定性Effects of Deposition Parameters on Microstructure, Interface and Hardness of Ti/TiN and CrN/Si_3N_4 Nanolayered Coatings and Their Thermal Stability
- TiN陶瓷涂層TiN cermets coating
- CrN薄膜CrN films
- CRn指數CRn index
- 免疫介導性TINImmunologic mediated T.I.N.
- TiN顆粒TiN particles
- CrN鍍層CrN coating
- 這一特別的涂層旨在抗銹。This special coating is designed to resist rust.
- CrN膜層CrN coatings
- TIN模型TIN model
- Ni/TiNNi/TiN
- 表面涂層exterior coating
- 電弧離子鍍CrNArc ion plating CrN
- TiN滲鍍層TiN coating
- TiAlCrN/CrN多層膜TiAlCrN/CrN multilayer coatings
- TiN/AlNTiN/AlN
- 尼龍涂層nylon coating