- TMN分期TNM stage
- CORBA 在 TMN 環(huán)境中的應用Application of CORBA in TMN Environment
- 中間件技術(shù)在TMN中的研究與應用Research and Design of Middleware in TMN
- 如何用CORBA技術(shù)構建新一代TMN管理平臺How to Construct a New Generation of Network Management Platform with CORBA
- T分期T Grading
- UML在TMN故障管理模塊信息建模中的應用Application of UML in The Modeling of TMN-based Exception Handling Module
- 視網(wǎng)膜母細胞瘤色素上皮-脈絡(luò )膜分期與視神經(jīng)浸潤的關(guān)系Relationship between Pigment Epithelium-Choroid Stage and Optic Invasion in Retinoblastoma
- 分期冷卻cooling by stage
- 在TMN體系結構的實(shí)現中,OSI網(wǎng)絡(luò )管理模型起著(zhù)非常重要的作用。It is based oh a set of TMN standards developed by ITU -T0 In the implementations of TMN architecture, OSI network management model plays a important role.
- 汛期分期division of flood season
- 基于TMN邏輯分層的CORBA網(wǎng)管與傳統網(wǎng)管互操作機制研究Study of Interaction Mechanism of CORBA-Based Network Management and Traditional Network Management based on TMN Logical Layered Architecture(LLA)
- 分期開(kāi)挖excavated by stages
- 然后對TMN、CMIP等協(xié)議及基于web的管理模式做了分析。Then I have analyzed the TMN and CMIP protocols and management pattern based on web.
- 性腺分期gonadal stage
- 巖溶分期karst stages
- 分期管理management by period
- 本文闡述了電信管理網(wǎng)(TMN)和公共對象請求代理體系結構的特點(diǎn),并以實(shí)例探討了CORBA在TMN中的應用。This issue describes the features of TMN (Telecommunication Management Network) and CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), and explores the application of CORBA in TMN through instances.
- FIGO分期FIGO stage
- SDH管理網(wǎng)是電信管理網(wǎng)(TMN)的子集,基于公共管理信息協(xié)議(CMIP)的SDH網(wǎng)絡(luò )管理系統管理功能強大,但實(shí)現過(guò)于復雜。SDH management network is a subclass of TMN (Telecommunication Management Network). The management ability of the CMIP (Common Management Information Protocol) based SDH network management system is powerful while the implementation is complex.
- 分期原則principles for period division