- T9輸入法T9 input method
- 輸入to import
- 法law
- 中文版本的T9文字輸入技術(shù)包括筆畫(huà)和拼音兩種輸入法。T9 input in Chinese edition involves stroke input and alphabet input.
- 無(wú)法unable
- 輸入法input method
- 詳細說(shuō)明:嵌入式系統全拼輸入法,拼音字符表及查表程序。Inserts the type system all to put together the input method, the Pinyin character table and looks up the table procedure.
- 藏梵文嵌入式字庫、在線(xiàn)輸入法在藏文網(wǎng)絡(luò )信息化中的應用Internet Application of Tibetan Embeddable Fonts and On-line Input Method
- 數字輸入法digital input system
- 攝像輸入法digital-camera shooting
- 漢字輸入法Chinese character input method
- 智能輸入法intelligent input method
- 信號輸入法signal input method
- 碼形輸入法Calligraphical coding
- 數碼輸入法numerical input method
- 在線(xiàn)輸入法on-line input method
- 手機輸入法IME
- 輸入法引擎IME
- 修正輸入法Input - revising Algorithm
- 大鍵盤(pán)輸入法Large size keyboard input method