- 妊高征患者胎盤(pán)床蛻膜T淋巴細胞亞群的表達與臨床意義。The expression of T-lymphocyte subpopulations of decidual-placental bed in pregnancy with pre-eclampsia and clinical significance.
- T淋巴細胞亞群T-lymphocyte subsets
- 異體手移植術(shù)后ATG治療過(guò)程中T淋巴細胞亞群的監測(附3例報告)Monitoring of T lymphocyte subset during ATG induction therapy in hand allograft with report of 3 cases
- 激活T淋巴細胞亞群activated T lymphocyte subsets
- 輔助性T淋巴細胞亞群HelperT lymphocyte subsets
- 益肺補腎湯預防放射性肺炎療效及對T淋巴細胞亞群影響的觀(guān)察。Observation on Yifei Bushen decoction in prevention of pneumonia after radiotherapy and effect on T achroacyte subgroup.
- 嬰兒氣質(zhì)與臍血T淋巴細胞亞群的關(guān)系Correlations between Infant Temperament and Cord Blood T-Lymphocytes Subsets
- 鼻咽癌活檢組織中HLA、EBNA及間質(zhì)中T淋巴細胞亞群的分布The Expression of HLA, Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen and the Infiltration of T Lymphocyte Subsets in Nasopharyngeal Biopsy Tissues
- 胃腸手術(shù)后早期營(yíng)養支持對病人T淋巴細胞亞群影響的研究及護理Nursing and Influence of Early Gastroenteric Nutrition on T-lymphocyte Subgroup of Patients with Gastrointestinal Tract Operating
- 腎移植受者外周血T淋巴細胞亞群變化與機體免疫狀態(tài)之間的關(guān)系The Relationship between Changes in T-lymphocyte Subsets in Peripheral Blood and the Immune State of Renal Transplant Recipients
- 急性心肌梗塞病人血清sIL-2R水平、mIL-2R和T淋巴細胞亞群的變化Changes of the sIL 2R,mIL 2R and T Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Acute Myocardial Infarction
- 黃芪對慢性肺心病T淋巴細胞亞群的影響Pharmacological Effects of Astra galus Membranaceus on T-cell Subsets in Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease
- 淋巴細胞亞群Lymphocyte subpopulation
- B淋巴細胞亞群B-lymphocyte subsets
- 慢性腎功能衰竭血瘀證患者T淋巴細胞亞群的水平變化及益腎活血湯干預作用的臨床研究Clinical Study on Change in Level of T-lymphocyte Subpopulation of the Patients with Chronic Renal Failure Belongs in Blood Stasis Syndrome and Intervening Action by Yishen Huoxue Decoction
- T-淋巴細胞亞群T-cell subsets
- 胸腺淋巴細胞亞群Thymic lymphocytic subsets
- T淋巴細胞亞群檢測measurement of T lymphocyte subsets
- 淋巴細胞亞群/代謝Lymphocyte subgroups/metabolism
- 淋巴細胞亞群/免疫學(xué)Lymphocyte Subsets/immunology