- T分布族T distribution
- 分布distributed
- 族nationality
- 一族gens
- PA樣本下單邊截斷型分布族位置參數函數的經(jīng)驗Bayes估計Empirical Bayes estimation of the location parameter function of one-side truncated family under PA Samples
- 在單參數雙邊截斷型分布族中參數估計的一種新的漸近效率A New Kind of Asympototic Efficiency in One-Parameter Two-SidedTruncated Distribution Family
- 均勻分布homogeneous distribution
- 食人族man-eater
- 族的Goidelic; Lombardic
- 泊松分布Poisson distribution
- 平均分布hypodispersion
- 血族bloodline
- 概率分布probability distribution
- 同族kin
- 分布情況distribution situation
- 芳香族aromatic series
- 空間分布directional distribution
- 人口分布population distribution
- 閃族Shemite
- 分布不均maldistribution