- SL-8HSL - 8H
- sl理想sl Ideal
- SL參數stream length-gradient index (SL index)
- SL原型SL prototype
- Sl基因Sl gene
- SL模型Stereo lithography
- W/O微SLW/O microemulsion
- 固色堿SLsubstitutive alkali SL
- SL-1細胞Spodoptera litura cultured cell line (SL-1)
- 20%康福多SL20%25 confider SL
- SL規范語(yǔ)言SL
- SL反式剪接SL (spliced leader) trans-splicing
- VES-SL壓裂液VES-SL fracturing fluid
- 斜紋夜蛾SL細胞Spodoptera litura SL cell
- Y(SL(2))代數Y(SL(2)) algebra
- SL系列上羅拉軸承top roller bearing SL series
- SL系列膠輥軸承調研報告A Survey of Cot Bearing SL Series
- 低滲透油層SL活性劑提高采收率實(shí)驗Experiments of SL surfactant flooding for EOR in low permeability reservoirs