- 復合式厭氧反應器-SBR工藝處理高濃度人工屠宰廢水的工程應用Engineering Application of Compound Anaerobic Reactor-SBR Technique in Treatment of High Concentrated Waste Water in Manual Slaughterhouse
- 利用DDG+UASB+SBR工藝處理玉米酒精糟液,運行穩定、可靠,處理效率高,投資少,占地面積小。The application of DDG+UASB+SBR technology in the treatment of alcohol lees solution had the following advantages: stable and reliable operation, high efficiency treatment, low capital investment, and small floor space required.
- 模的modular
- 模數modulus
- UBF-SBR工藝UBF-SBR process
- 模組card of pattern
- 數學(xué)建模Mathematical Modeling
- 改良SBR工藝improved SBR process
- 模態(tài)mode
- 彈性模量elasticity modulus
- SBR工藝SBR process
- 模量modulus
- 制模patternmaking
- ABR-SBR工藝ABR-SBR process
- 多模multimode
- 壓模die mold
- 兩級SBR工藝two-stage SBR process
- 數模digifax
- 刀模cutting die