- Realism of Lu Yan's Novel 魯彥小說(shuō)的現實(shí)主義
- The Aesthetic features of Lu Yin s novels are as follows: sensibility of character images; realistic writing of subject matters; and privateness of novels styles. 廬隱小說(shuō)的審美特征主要體現在三個(gè)方面:人物形象的情感性;題材內容的寫(xiě)實(shí)性;小說(shuō)體式的私秘性。
- We can"t really comprehend the complex contents of Lu Xun" s novels and will obliterate their plentiful meanings by the way seeking the dialectical development of his spirt. 尋求魯迅精神世界辯證發(fā)展的研究方式并不能真正理解魯迅小說(shuō)的復雜內容,而且會(huì )抹殺其小說(shuō)的豐富意義。
- An award winning adaptation of Lu Xun's novel. 影片改編自魯迅小說(shuō),曾獲得多個(gè)國際電影節獎項。
- The play’s symbolism jarred with the realism of its setting. 該劇的象征主義與其舞臺背景的現實(shí)主義不協(xié)調。
- Many critics saw flashes of E.H. in the young M.'s novel. 許多評論家稱(chēng)在年輕的M.;的小說(shuō)中有海明威的影子。
- They issued a new edition of Lu Xun's works. 他們發(fā)行了魯迅著(zhù)作的一個(gè)新版本。
- She put up a portrait of Lu Xun on the wall. 她在墻上掛了一張魯迅的像。
- Improved realism of the number of 'Penalties' awarded and scored. 改進(jìn)了比賽中判點(diǎn)球并打進(jìn)數量的真實(shí)性。
- They hung up a portrait of Lu Xun on the wall. 他們把一幅魯迅的畫(huà)像掛在墻上。
- I've read your stuff about the psychological realism of Calvin . 我讀過(guò)你論加爾文心理唯實(shí)論的文章。
- I have a complete set of Lu Xun's works. 我有一套《魯迅全集》。
- A study of Lu Xun's classical poetry. 魯迅舊體詩(shī)研究。
- How much do you know about the works of Lu xun? 有關(guān)魯訊的作品你知道多少?
- Finally, by using the spiritual ecology of professor Lu Shuyuan, the author explored the content in Cather’s novel that reveals human spiritual living. 最后,本文結合魯樞元教授的精神生態(tài)學(xué)思想,剖析了凱瑟作品中表現人精神生存的內容。
- He gave me several biographies of Lu Xun. 他給我好幾種魯迅的傳記。
- Lu Yan flutter, Zhong Ming Ding Fresh House; Ge-ship maze, Qingqiao Huanglong's axis. 閭閻撲地,鐘鳴鼎食之家;舸艦迷津,青雀黃龍之軸。
- Beneath the surface realism of the novel, its apparently artless transcription of life's flow, lurks a complicated plan. 事情的背后是真實(shí)的,在表面天真浪漫的日常生活之下,潛伏著(zhù)復雜縝密的計劃。
- He is translating the works of Lu Xu. 他在翻譯魯迅的作品。
- I have great appreciation of Lu Xun. 我很欣賞魯迅。