- Raymond中風(fēng)Raymond's apolexy
- 中風(fēng)apoplexy
- Raymond型中風(fēng)Raymond's apolexy
- Raymond(型)中風(fēng)Raymond's apolexy
- 自1969年Raymond W.Since Raymond W.
- 我喜歡raymond,可是.....I like Raymond, but.. .
- 中風(fēng)的palsied
- Raymond-Cestan綜合征Raymond-Cestan syndrome
- 采訪(fǎng):Eric Raymond回歸基礎Interview: Eric Raymond goes back to basics
- 他昨天中風(fēng)了。He had a stroke yesterday.
- Raymond-Cestan綜合征,橋腦被蓋部綜合征Raymond-Cestan syndrome
- 這位老人因中風(fēng)死去。The old man died of apoplexy.
- 而困于城中的巴黎記者蘭伯(raymond Rambert)則計劃逃離。Raymond Rambert, a reporter from Paris trapped in the city, plans to escape.
- 在中風(fēng)之后,祖父已經(jīng)不再應酬。Grandpa has been out of circulation after the stroke.
- 因此,Raymond花了一些時(shí)間進(jìn)行寫(xiě)作并花了一些時(shí)間進(jìn)行編程。So, Raymond has spent some time writing and some time hacking.
- 他死于中風(fēng)。He died from an apoplectic fit(a stroke of apoplexy)
- 中風(fēng)患者paralytic
- 根據Raymond和其他開(kāi)放源碼的擁護者,開(kāi)放源碼是安全操作系統唯一真正的選擇。According to Raymond and fellow open source supporters, open source is the only real option for secure operating systems.
- 他中風(fēng)死掉。He was taken off by apoplexy.
- 開(kāi)放源碼擁護者Eric Raymond最近在計算機前花的時(shí)間比出現在人們面前的時(shí)間更多。Open source advocate Eric Raymond has been spending more time lately in front of the computer than in front of the crowds.