- RTV防污閃涂料RTV pollution flashover dope
- RTV防污閃涂料在電力機車(chē)上的應用Application of RTV anti-contamination-flashover on electric locomotive
- 長(cháng)效RTV防污閃涂料在齊魯石化公司電網(wǎng)中的應用Application of Long Effect RTV Paint in Power System of Qilu Petrochemical Corp.
- 有機涂料RTV防污閃應用效果分析Effect analysis on application of organic coating RTV in anti-pollution flashover of power devices
- 交流絕緣子表面積污分析及防污閃措施Analysis of Sediment Accumulation on the Surface of Alternating Current Insulator and Measures of Preventing Circuit Break
- 武漢市歷史建筑防污清理技術(shù)研究Study of the Antipollutionly Clear-up Techniques for the Historical Buildings in Wuhan
- 防污劑在純棉活性印花皂洗中的應用Anti-soil agent in soaping of cotton printings with reactive dyestsuffs
- 防污閃涂料(RTV)RTV
- 臟污sully
- 直流輸電線(xiàn)路絕緣子串片數的防污設計Selection of Numbers of Insulator of Pollution Insulator Strings for DC Transmission Line
- 白涂料whitewash
- 風(fēng)吹得油燈光搖閃不定。The wind flickered the light of the oil lamp.
- 耐火涂料refractory dressing
- 副總統不得不閃躲飛來(lái)的番茄。The vice president had to dodge flying tomatoes.
- 沾污sully
- 白色涂料whitewash
- 閃存盤(pán)flash disk
- 帶著(zhù)雨衣,以防下雨。Take the raincoat in case it rains.
- 我腦子里閃過(guò)一個(gè)想法。A thought flashed through my mind.
- 這頂帳篷防雨嗎?Is the tent waterproof?