- RGB分析RGB analysis
- 基于RGB融合與主分量分析法融合比較Merging Comparison with Analysis Method of Main Fraction Based RGB Merge
- 她的分析極其正確。Her analysis was correct to the nail.
- 對該金屬進(jìn)行了分析。The metal was submitted to analysis.
- 我發(fā)覺(jué)自己適于做精神分析行當。I found myself in the psychoanalysis racket.
- 這個(gè)句子文法上無(wú)法分析。This sentence does not construe.
- 律師們仔細分析了他提出的賠償要求。The lawyers dissected his claim for damages.
- 語(yǔ)篇分析Discourse Analysis (DA)
- 分析了Photoshop軟件中RGB、HSB、Lab、CMYK幾個(gè)色彩空間的基本特點(diǎn)。The main work done in this paper as follows:(1) The basic characters of RGB , MSB , Lab , CMYK in Photoshop are analyzed .
- 對你論點(diǎn)作仔細分析后發(fā)現一些前后矛盾之處。A dissection of your argument shows several inconsistencies.
- 發(fā)射分光分析emission spectroanalysis
- 他們分析了礦砂,從中發(fā)現了鐵。They analyzed the ore and found iron in it.
- 我們應該分析一下失敗的緣由。We should analyze the causes of failure.
- 近似[實(shí)用]分析proximate analysis
- 分析語(yǔ)法結構To analyze grammatical structure.
- 群上調和分析harmonic analysis on groups
- 動(dòng)力學(xué)分析法kinetic method of analysis
- 站得住的分析a tenable analysis
- 分析形勢assay the situation
- 關(guān)聯(lián)系統敏感度的分析The analysis of the sensitivity of a relative system.