- REES指標體系REES Indices System
- 指標體系index system
- 指標index
- 體系setup
- 評價(jià)指標體系assessment indicator system
- 高等醫學(xué)院校教師課堂教學(xué)質(zhì)量綜合評價(jià)指標體系的研究The study on comprehensive item system of evaluation on quality of the faculty classroom teaching in higher medical schools
- 醫學(xué)科研項目實(shí)施過(guò)程評價(jià)指標體系的可靠性和真實(shí)性評價(jià)Validity and reliability evaluation for the evaluating indicator system of execution process in medical research project
- 中國紡織品出口反傾銷(xiāo)預警監測指標體系的構建及模糊評價(jià)An Anti-dumping Early-warning Index Evaluation System and a Fuzzy Judgment of the Export of China's Textile
- 多指標體系many index systems
- 指標體系法quota system mode
- KKZ指標體系KKZ indicator system
- KPI指標體系KPI system
- 選擇指標體系choose the index system
- 分類(lèi)指標體系classifying index system
- 配置指標體系construction index system
- 信用指標體系credit index system
- 監測指標體系criterion system
- 損傷指標體系damage index system
- 決策指標體系decision-making index system
- 界定指標體系definition index body system