- QSZ92式9毫米手槍QSZ 92 model 9mm pistol
- 勃朗寧9毫米手槍machine 9mm gun
- 學(xué)校被強制關(guān)閉以調查事故原由并在現場(chǎng)發(fā)現一支22口徑9毫米手槍。A law enforcement source close to the investigation told CNN a.22-caliber handgun and a 9 mm handgun were recovered at the scene.
- 嵌入式flush bonding
- 這線(xiàn)9毫米長(cháng)。It's nine millimetres long.
- 美式英語(yǔ)American English
- 嵌入式系統embedded system
- 9毫米口徑子彈9 mm calibre bullet
- 日式Japanese
- 單式simplex
- 里面有一支看來(lái)相當高級的9毫米自動(dòng)手槍。In it was an expensive-looking 9mm automatic pistol.
- 巴洛克式barpque
- 他用玩具手槍威脅老太太。He threatened the old lady with a toy gun.
- 菜式cuisine
- 平方毫米square millimeter
- 他常帶著(zhù)手槍。He packs a pistol.
- 組合式combined type
- 啟發(fā)式heuristic
- 針式打印機stylus printer
- 臨床醫師這時(shí)就可以將更小口徑的內窺鏡(徑4.9毫米)過(guò)鼻子、、。The clinician then passes a smaller-caliber endoscope,4.9 mm in diameter, through the nose, pharynx and throat.