- Ohta-Okamoto簽名Ohta-Okamoto signature
- 簽名to sign (one's name with a pen, etc.)
- OHTA顏色空間OHTA color space
- 親筆簽名John henry
- 簽名信息signing messages
- 數字簽名digital signature
- 簽名蓋章signed and sealed (SS)
- 簽名人signatory
- 電子簽名electronic signature; e-signature
- 他的簽名潦草難以辨認。His signature was an illegible scrawl.
- 他在請愿書(shū)上簽名。He subscribed his name to a petition.
- 筆跡專(zhuān)家作證該簽名無(wú)訛。The handwriting expert attested to the genuineness of the signature.
- 他騙那老太婆在文件上簽名。He cozened the old woman into signing the paper.
- 我請作者在書(shū)上親筆簽名。I asked the author to autograph my book.
- 那個(gè)簽名是你的筆跡嗎?Is that signature in your handwriting?
- 這契約是由所有權人簽名蓋章的。The deed is executed under the hand and seal of the owner.
- 那封信上有他的親筆簽名,他很難否認說(shuō)這不是他寫(xiě)的。As the letter was under his signature he could scarcely deny having written it.
- 個(gè)人簽名idiograph
- 他偽造簽名兌了支票。He forged a signature and cashed the check.
- 這歪歪扭扭的玩意兒就算是簽名嗎?Is this squiggle supposed to be a signature?