- OLS估計量OLS estimate
- 我們討論是否OLS估計量滿(mǎn)足漸近正態(tài)性。We are discussing whether OLS estimator satisfy asymptotic normality.
- 為了證明OLS估計量是漸近有效的,我們需要(1)給出一致的估計量但證明它有更大的方差。To prove that OLS estimators are asymptotically efficient, one needs to (1) present an estimator that is consistent but its variance is larger.
- OLS估計OLS estimator
- 廣義搜索比率估計量generalized raking ratio estimators
- 給出了平衡LS估計為無(wú)偏估計的充分必要條件,對于給定的L,適當地選擇參數t可使平衡LS估計的均方誤差矩陣小于OLS估計的均方誤差矩陣.A necessary and sufficient condition for the unbiasedness of Balanced LS Estimation is gained, and for the given L, t can be chosen to make the MSEM of the Balanced LS Estimation less than that of OLS Estimation.
- 推廣的Pickands型估計量Extended Pickands-type estimator
- 排量delivery capacity
- 量產(chǎn)volume production
- 詞匯量word-base
- OLSOLS (ordinary least squares analysis)
- 稱(chēng)量metage
- OLS回歸OLS regression
- 正態(tài)總體方差幾類(lèi)估計量的比較Comparision the Some Estimators of the Normal Population Variance
- 彈性模量elasticity modulus
- OLS回歸斜率the slope of OLS
- 偏移量offset