- N、P含量contents of N and P
- P含量P Content
- 7月8日取樣測定,根、莖都以K含量最高,N含量次之,P含量最低,而葉部和鈴殼以N含量最高,K含量次之。The measuremnt on July 8 and Sep. 8 of the nutrient content in the roots and stems showed. The first one was K, second N, third P; but leaves and the bell shells contained most N, less relatively K.
- 在水稻生育期中,土壤全磷、有機磷、Al-P、Fe-P、Ca-P與O-P含量總體呈下降趨勢。Furthermore, during the growth duration of rice, the content of STP, organic phosphorus, Al-P, Fe-P, Ca-P, O-P presented decreasing tendency.
- 不同受害程度下卵葉小蠟葉片中Mg、Cu、Ca、N、P含量的變化不大,說(shuō)明拉緣蝽的為害對卵葉小蠟葉片中這些營(yíng)養元素沒(méi)有顯著(zhù)影響。The change of the content of Mg,Cu,Ca,N,P in the leaves of Chinese privet,which was harmed by the stinkbug at various degrees,was insignificant,which showed that the harm of stinkbug had no remarkable effect on the content of these nutrient elements.
- 在供試種源分布區范圍內,樹(shù)液流動(dòng)期和6月旺盛生長(cháng)期的葉P含量與緯度成顯著(zhù)負相關(guān);In distribution regions of the test provenances, there is a significantly negative correlation between the latitude and the leaf P content during the stage of sap start to flow and peak of growing in June;
- p-n 結p-n junction
- N含量N content
- 尼爾雌醇可使去卵巢大鼠降低的骨Ca、Mg、S、Mn、Zn含量顯著(zhù)回升 ,骨P含量顯著(zhù)回降。CCE 3 opposes the changes of Ca,Mg,S,Mn,Zn and P in the bone of the OVX rats.
- N/PN/P
- 土壤C、N含量soil C and N content
- p-n結p-n junction
- N/PN/P
- N、PN and P
- N-P系N-P series
- 第5天組乳酸含量亦明顯升高(P<0.01)。The increase of Lac level was also significant in 5 d group (P < 0.01).
- 雙n/p比double n/p ratio
- 老年組心肌組織ATP含量下降(P<0.01)。ATP content in the heart of old rats was significantly reduced as compared to that in adult rats(n=5,P<0.01).
- N-P準則N-P rule
- 與T處理相比,NTS、NT和TS均可增加土壤活性有機磷、中度活性有機磷、中穩性有機磷、高穩性有機磷和Ca_2-P含量,增加大小的排列順序為: NTS> NT> TS> T;When different tillage types were applied to the tested soil at the same layer, the content of organic phosphorus fractions and Ca_2-P among treatments varied in the order of NTS>NT>TS>T.