- 椎管內麻醉完善后給予靶控輸注,P組和P/F組選用Marsh靶控藥代藥效學(xué)模型,M組選用Avram靶控藥代藥效學(xué)模型,選擇效應室濃度為靶控濃度。A fter getting satisfied spinal anesthesia, target-controlled infusion was established. Marsh pharmacokinetic parameters were used in group P and group P/F , and Avram pharmacokinetic parameters were used in group M .
- Marsh靶控輸注marsh target controlled infusion
- 靶控輸注普魯泊福復合芬太尼或瑞芬太尼的麻醉深度比較Target-controlled infusion of propofol combined with remifentanil or fentanyl: a comparison of anesthetic depth
- 靶控輸注系統Drug delivery system
- 異丙酚靶控輸注期間熵指數對不同年齡患者麻醉深度的預測效果Effectiveness of entropy as a measure of depth of anesthesia during TCI of propofol in patients of different ages
- 靶控Target-controlled infusion
- 輸注控制器infusion controller
- 血漿靶控Target - controlled infusion (TCI)
- 持續輸注Continuous infusion
- 異丙酚靶控TCI(Target -controlled infusicn) using Propofol
- 動(dòng)脈輸注arterial infusion
- 靶控靜脈麻醉Target-controlled infusion
- 靜脈液體輸注器intravenous infusion set
- 老年人丙泊酚效應室靶控濃度與腦電雙頻指數變化的關(guān)系The relationship between propofol target concentration of effect compartment and bispectral index in the elderly
- 血小板輸注Platelet transfusion
- 腸內輸注泵enteral infusion pump
- 營(yíng)養輸注泵feeding pump
- 過(guò)繼性輸注Adopt infusion
- 輸注,靜脈內intravenous infusion
- 動(dòng)脈內輸注endoarterial infusion