- MEMS電容式并聯(lián)開(kāi)關(guān)capacitive M-EMS shunt switch
- 鋁硅合金膜在MEMS電容式開(kāi)關(guān)中的應用Application of AlSi alloy membrane in MEMS capacity switch
- MEMS電容式加速度傳感器相關(guān)檢測技術(shù)研究Study on Detecting Technology of Capacitive MEMS Accelerometer
- 該研究對低真空封裝的RF MEMS電容式開(kāi)關(guān)的優(yōu)化設計很有意義.This study is very useful for the optimized design of RF MEMS capacitive switches working in low vacuum.
- 并聯(lián)開(kāi)關(guān)并聯(lián)開(kāi)關(guān)是連接發(fā)電機組和應急母排的線(xiàn)路斷路器,所有的單個(gè)發(fā)電機通過(guò)它完成同步運行。Paralleling Breaker A paralleling breaker is the circuit breaker that connects the generator set to the emergency bus, and across which all the individual generator synchronizing functions occur.
- 通過(guò)RF MEMS電容式開(kāi)關(guān)實(shí)例,表明設計低真空封裝的RF MEMS電容式開(kāi)關(guān)時(shí)應考慮外部環(huán)境因素.The influence is also illustrated with an RF MEMS capacitive switch example,which shows that outside environment factors have to be taken into account when designing RF MEMS capacitive switches working in low vacuum.
- 繩索懸掛式并聯(lián)機器人cable-suspended parallel robot
- 新型注入式并聯(lián)混合型有源電力濾波器Development of High-Capacity Hybrid Active Power Filter
- 按鈕開(kāi)關(guān)press stopper
- 直線(xiàn)輸入式并聯(lián)結構對其工作空間的影響Parallel machine's influence on work space
- 美式英語(yǔ)American English
- 過(guò)熱現象是通過(guò)并聯(lián)或內置在電機定子繞組的正常閉合開(kāi)關(guān)來(lái)進(jìn)行監測的。Over-temperature is detected by a normally-closed switches connected in series and embedded in the motor stator windings.
- 巴洛克式barpque
- 針式打印機stylus printer
- 招式movements in martial arts
- 有效并聯(lián)電容effective shunt capacitance
- 流式細胞儀flow cytometry
- 板式換熱器plate exchanger
- 并聯(lián)變換開(kāi)關(guān)parallel inverter switch
- 整體式integral type