- Logistic-Kent映射Logistic-Kent map
- 映射mapping
- Kent束Kent's bundle; Bundle of Kent; Kent
- KENT指數法Kent index method
- 字符映射表character map
- 后間隔旁的Kent束posterior paraseptal Kent tract
- Logistic映射Logistic map
- 修正的kent-part本構Kent-part Model
- Kents bundle肯特氏束
- 端口映射port mapping
- Logistic滿(mǎn)映射full logistic mapping
- 美國世界發(fā)展機構代表Kent Hill說(shuō)他關(guān)注病毒全世界傳播時(shí)人類(lèi)感染病毒的機會(huì )。Agency for International Development's Kent Hill said he is concerned the chances for the virus to infect humans increases as it moves around the world.
- 凹映射concave mapping
- 包含映射inclusion mapping
- 美國國際開(kāi)發(fā)總署的Kent Hill說(shuō),他都有的是病毒在世界傳播時(shí)傳染人類(lèi)的機會(huì )增加了。The U.S. Agency for International Development's Kent Hill said he is concerned the chances for the virus to infect humans increases as it moves around the world.
- 采用Kent和Park建議的混凝土本構關(guān)系以及鋼筋本構關(guān)系,將每根桿件劃分為5個(gè)單元。Concrete constitutive relationship and steel reinforcement constitutive relationship on the suggested of Kent and Park are used, and every member bar is divided to five elements.
- 復合Logistic映射compound Logistic map
- μ保角映射μ-conformal mapping
- 其中以Rational公司的RUP過(guò)程和近幾年Kent Beck等人提出的XP敏捷開(kāi)發(fā)過(guò)程具有代表性。Among them RUP by Rational corporation and XP by Kent Beck are famous and representative.
- 伴隨映射adjoint mapping