- Lipschitz算子nonlinear Lipschitz operator
- 有界Lipschitz算子boundedly Lipschitzian
- 廣義Lipschitz算子generalized Lipschitzian operator
- 松弛Lipschitz算子relaxed lipschitz operator
- 非線(xiàn)性L(fǎng)ipschitz算子nonlinear Lipschitz operator
- 擬一致L-lipschitz算子quasi-uniform L-lipschitz operators
- 算子operator
- 卜算子Song Of Divination
- δ算子δ-operator
- "或非" 算子NOR operator
- 譜算子spectral operator
- 流形上的偏微分算子partial differential operator on manifold
- M-生長(cháng)算子M-accretive operator
- 伴算子adjoint operator
- 閉包算子closure operator
- 非線(xiàn)性算子nonlinear operator
- 算子的換位commutant of an operator
- 阿貝爾射影算子Abelian projection operator
- 埃爾米特算子hermitian operator
- 伴隨算子adjoint operator