- Lefschetz不動(dòng)點(diǎn)公式Lefschetz fixed-point formula
- 不動(dòng)點(diǎn)公式fixed point formula
- 概率度量空間上非膨脹型映象的一個(gè)不動(dòng)點(diǎn)定理及其應用A Fixed-Point Theorem for Non-expansive Type Mapping in Probabilistic Metric Spaces and its Application
- 具有帶誤差逼近的賦值偽壓縮映像的公共不動(dòng)點(diǎn)迭代序列Iterative Procedures with Errors Approximating the Common Fixed Point of Set-Valued Strongly Pseudo-Contractive Mappings
- 圖象意義下不動(dòng)點(diǎn)的Tikhonov良定性及其在對策論中的應用Tikhonov well-possedness of set-valued mappings for fixed points with applications to game theory
- 不動(dòng)點(diǎn)集是有限個(gè)不同維實(shí)射影空間并的帶有對合的光滑流形Involutlon Fixing The Disjoint Union of Infinite Different Dimensional Real Projective Spaces
- Banach空間中定點(diǎn)非擴張隨機半閉1-集壓縮映象的隨機不動(dòng)點(diǎn)定理Random Fixed Point Theorems of Nonexpansive Random Semiclosed 1-set Contractive Mapping Around a Constant Point in Banach Space
- 同時(shí),在更廣泛的情形下,給出了關(guān)于Reich不動(dòng)點(diǎn)問(wèn)題的一個(gè)肯定性回答.By the way,we give an af-firmative answer to a fixed point problem of Reich in the more general case.
- 非擴張映射不動(dòng)點(diǎn)帶誤差的Mann迭代過(guò)程Mann Iteration Process with Errors of Fixed Points for Nonexpansive Mappings
- 半序賦范空間及增算子的不動(dòng)點(diǎn)定理Partially Ordered Normed Space and Fixed Point Theorem of Increasing Operator
- 關(guān)于雙曲不動(dòng)點(diǎn)的個(gè)數的估計及應用Estimation of the Number of Hyperbolic Fixed Points and Its Application
- 疊壓縮型不動(dòng)點(diǎn)迭代算法的收斂速度The Convergence Rate of Iteration Method of Fixed Point of Type of an Iterated Contraction Mapping
- 關(guān)于二階冪型擴張映射的不動(dòng)點(diǎn)定理Fixed Piont Theorems for Twice-power Type Expansive Mapping
- 復合g-收縮映射不動(dòng)點(diǎn)定理及其應用Fixed Point Theorem of Composition g-Contraction Mapping and Its Applications
- 不動(dòng)點(diǎn)定理在擬平衡問(wèn)題組中的應用Fixed Point Theorem with Application to System of Quasi-equilibrium Problems
- 局部凸拓撲向量空間中的不動(dòng)點(diǎn)定理Fixed Point Theorems in Locally Convex Topological Vector Spaces
- F型拓撲空間中多值映射的不動(dòng)點(diǎn)定理Fixed Point Theorems of Multivalued Maps in F-type Topological Spaces
- B度量空間映象的不動(dòng)點(diǎn)與重合點(diǎn)定理Fixed Point and Coincidence Point Theorems for Some Mappings in B-metric Spaces
- 混合型單調算子對的不動(dòng)點(diǎn)及其應用Fixed Point of Mixed Type Monotone Operator and Its Application