- Lebesgue控制收斂定理Lebesgue dominated covergence theorem
- Lebegue控制收斂定理Lebegue control convergence theorem
- 函數序列關(guān)于弱收斂概率測度序列積分的控制收斂定理Dominated Convergence Theorems for the Integration of Function Sequence with Respect to Weak Convergence Probability Measure Sequence
- 自適應控制收斂速度的研究On convergence rate of adaptive control
- Lebesgue積分Lebesgue integral
- 變指數Lebesgue空間Variable exponent Lebesgue space
- 函數項級數一致收斂定理的證明和廣義積分收斂的充要條件Proof of the Function Seies Convergence Uniform Theorem and Necessary and Sufficient Condition in General Integral Convergent
- 政府已采取措施控制通貨膨脹。The government has taken measures to restrain inflation.
- 這樣微妙的局勢很難控制。It is hard to have the tender situation in hand.
- 關(guān)于一類(lèi)隨機變量序列的局部收斂定理A class of local convergence theorems for the sequence of random variables
- 幾何定理是從經(jīng)驗得出的。Geometrical theorems grew out of empirical methods.
- 我的信件恰巧受到嚴格控制。My correspondence happens to be rigidly controlled.
- 他受他朋友控制。He is under the sway of his friend.
- 碰了釘子以后,他收斂些了。He has pulled in his horns since that setback.
- 衛生局采取措施控制肝炎。The public health bureau moved to curb hepatitis.
- 單調收斂定理monotone convergence theorem
- 你必須學(xué)會(huì )控制你的脾氣。You must learn to rein in your temper.
- H收斂H convergence
- 她自孩提時(shí)代起一直受父親控制。She has been under the domination of her father since childhood.
- p收斂p-convergence