- Lang-Kobayashi方程Lang-Kobayashi equations
- Kobayashi度量Kobayashi metric
- Kobayashi(1990)進(jìn)行的Raman譜測量結果吻合較好。The results here are in agreement with those measured by the Raman spectrum method.
- 論奧陶紀三葉蟲(chóng)屬Reedocalymene Kobayashi,1951(英文)NOTES ON THE GENUS REEDOCALYMENE KOBAYASHI, 1951 (TRILOBITA, ORDOVICIAN)
- Lang托槽Lang bracket
- 蒸氣壓方程vapor pressure equation
- 選擇所有的名字為lang的屬性Selects all attributes that are named lang
- 麥克斯韋(電磁)場(chǎng)方程(式)Maxwell field equations
- 選擇所有屬性名為lang的屬性Lang Selects all attributes that are named lang
- 次數多項式或多項式方程中變量的冪的最大數The greatest sum of the exponents of the variables in a term of a polynomial or polynomial equation.
- 選擇當前節點(diǎn)下所有屬性為lang的內容Selects the lang attribute of the current node
- 高次代數方程求根finding roots of polynomial equation
- lang屬性可知識后返回元素的語(yǔ)言代碼。The lang property sets or returns the language code for the element.
- 初等常微分方程elementary ordinary differential equation
- 這些description元素同時(shí)也允許不受xml:lang屬性的限制而直接發(fā)送。These description elements are also permitted to be sent without an xml:lang attribute qualifier.
- WZ方程WZ equation
- lang屬性可設置或返回某元素的語(yǔ)言代碼。The lang property sets or returns the language code for an element.
- 方程解solution of equation
- 目前,只有描述元素和名稱(chēng)元素支持xml:lang修飾。Presently, only the description and name elements support xml:lang qualifications.
- KdV方程KdV equation